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  • 发布时间:2014-03-17


The mathematical model of ISG hybrid shafting, which includes sliding bearing, electromechanical coupling shaft and engine cylinder model, is established to deal with the lubrication performance of the sliding bearing in hybrid shafting. The eccentricities and oil film pressure of the sliding bearing are calculated for different hybrid conditions and ISG motor power separately in a working cycle. It is fmmd that the change of the hybrid condition and motor power won't affect the eccentricities and oil fihn pressure of the slidiog bearing significantly, and the selection and design of the motor bearings and motor should be optimized according to the oil film pressure and eccentricities of the motor bearings in hybrid power system.建立了包括滑动轴承、机电耦合轴和发动机缸体在内的混合动力系统轴系数学模型,依此模型对混合动力系统轴承液体动力润滑性能进行分析,分别计算了一个工作周期内不同混合动力工况和不同电机功率情况下滑动轴承的偏心率和油膜压力。计算结果的分析表明,混合动力工况改变和电机功率的增大不会明显影响混合动力系统轴承的偏心率和油膜压力;根据机电耦合轴电机端轴承的油膜压力和偏心率可以优化电机轴承以及电机的选型和设计。

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