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  • 发布时间:2014-03-18
采用组合摩擦材料研究的组合筛选原材料方法,研究原材料对制动摩擦材料磨损性能的影响,提出用原材料的摩擦磨损性能谱及磨粒磨损和黏着磨损2种磨损机制的竞争关系(V机制)解释制动摩擦材料的磨损性能。根据摩擦磨损性能谱,基于原材料在制动摩擦材料中的作用和对磨损性能的贡献,可把原材料分为润滑区、过渡区和磨料区,处在润滑区的固体润滑剂的耐磨性最好,处在磨料区的陶瓷磨料的耐磨性次之,处在过渡区的纤维和填料的耐磨性最差;有机合成、天然纤维和树脂基体在高温的摩擦化学反应导致热磨损。根据V机制,通过对摩擦断裂表面形态观察,可判断原材料的耐磨性。 The effects of each raw material on wear performance of the brake friction composites were studied by combinatorial friction materials research(CFMR) ,and the wear mechanisms were explained by friction performance spectrum of the raw materials and V mechanism, which reflects the competition relationship between adhesion and abrasion. The friction performance spectrum based on the roles of raw materials is composed of lubrication, transition and abrasion zones where solid lubricants in lubrication zone have a good contribution to wear resistance, abrasives in abrasion zone are fair and the fibers and fillers in transition zone are poor. The thermal wear was caused by tribochemical reactions of natural and synthetic organic fibers as well as resins at elevated temperature. The wear resistant ability of each ingredient can be identified by observing its friction fractography.
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