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  • 发布时间:2014-03-19


车辆减振器弹簧盘在不断受到弹簧交变挤压力作用下,极易发生疲劳损坏.本文建立了弹簧盘的有限元模型,基于ANSYS-Workbench平台,对弹簧盘进行静力学强度和疲劳分析,预测了弹簧盘疲劳寿命的大小,获得了弹簧盘变形、应力集中及疲劳损伤的大小及位置,得到弹簧盘应力集中和疲劳损伤均发生于弹簧盘凸包区域的结论,验证其疲劳寿命符合设计要求,为其进一步改进设计提供参考依据. The spring plate of vehicle shock absorber is very prone to fatigue damage when continuously extruded by various spring forces.On the ANSYS-Workbench platform,the finite element model of spring plate is established;the static strength and the fatigue damage of spring plate are analysed and the fatigue life of spring plate is predicted.Then the size and position of the spring plate deformation,the stress concentration and fatigue damage are defined,and the conclusion that the spring plate stress concentration and fatigue damage occurs in the same place―convex hull area comes out.Eventually,it is verified that the fatigue life of spring plate meets the design requirements.Fatigue simulation analysis of spring plate may act as a reference for the further improvement of the design of spring plate.

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