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  • 发布时间:2014-03-19


机构动平衡优化以减小机构惯性造成的机构振动为目的。本文在抽象出摆盘发动机的空间多环RRSSC机构学模型基础上,对其进行自由度分析;根据摆盘发动机结构特点与动力学分析,确定出结构设计变量,考虑到以控制摆盘发动机机座振动和降低噪声为其主要目标,给出了以限定振动力矩下降百分比为约束条件的目标函数,建立动力优化数学模型对其进行优化设计,达到最优动力平衡,所得结果对摆盘发动机的减振降噪与性能提高具有一定的理论与实际意义。 Dynamic balance of the spatial engine is researched. By considering the special wobble-plate engine as the model of spatial RRSSC linkages, design variables on the engine structure are confirmed based on the configuration characters and kinetic analysis of wobble-plate engine. In order to control the vibration of the engine frame and to decrease noise caused by the spatial engine, objective function is choosed as the dimensionless combinations of the various shaking forces arid moments, the restriction condition of which presents limiting the percent of shaking moment. Then the optimization design is investigated by the mathematical model for dynamic balance. By use of the optimization design method to a type of wobble plate engine, the optimization process as an example is demonstrated, it shows that the optimized design method benefits to control vibration and noise on the engines and improve the performarice practically and theoretically.

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