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  • 发布时间:2014-03-18


螺杆转子磨床床身是关键的承载大件,其动静态性能的好坏将直接影响整机的加工精度和稳定性。为实现床身的快速动态优化设计,首先基于元结构理论,使用ANSYS软件仿真分析了床身筋格元结构各主要参数对其动态特性的影响。在此基础上,以提高床身低阶模态固有频率和降低床身重量为目标,对床身的结构参数进行优化,同时通过静力分析验证了优化方案的可行性。优化后,床身低阶固有频率得到了较大幅度的提高,其中一阶固有频率提高了22.3%,床身的重量下降了8.39%,同时静刚度也有明显提高,改善了床身的动静态特性,节约了制造成本。该方法对其他类似关键零部件的动态优化设计具有一定的借鉴意义。 The bed of screw rotor grinder is a key part to bear load and weight, whose dynamic and static characteristics directly affect the whole machine's processing accuracy and stability. To realize fast dynamic optimization design of the bed by ANSYS, the rib box parameters' influences on the rib box's dynamic characteristic were analyzed based on the unit structure theory. Then the structural parameters of bed were optimized to raise natural frequencies and reduce bed weight. The feasibility of the comprehensive optimization scheme was verified through the corresponding static analysis. The results show that the bed's dynamic performance is improved and the manufacturing cost is saved greatly: the first order natural frequency is increased by 22.3% , the bed weight is decreased by 8.39% , while the static stiffness is also increased significantly. The optimal method based on the unit structure can be also applied to the dynamic optimization design of other similar key parts.

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