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  • 发布时间:2014-03-21


以高速、高精度的三自由度平动并联机构为研究对象,列出机构的速度雅克比矩阵,得出了动平台和各个构件的速度映射关系式。提出了一种速度雅克比矩阵与虚位移原理相结合的机构静力分析方法,推导了在重力和外载荷作用下的并联机构静力计算方程,计算出为了保持机构平衡在主动臂上的驱动力矩。利用拆杆法与与虚位移原理相结合求出运动副的约束力。计算出的驱动力矩和约束力与ADAMS软件仿真结果进行了对比,计算和仿真结果相符合,表明该方法切实可行。 Taking a high speed and high precision three-dimensinal parallel mechanism as a study object,the velocity Jacobimatrix is listed,and the mapping relationships of velocity between the moving platform and the components are given.Combining Jacobimatrix and principle of virtual displacement,a new static analysis method is presented,then a static mathematic equation for parallel mechanism under the gravity and external forces is deduced.The driving torque on master arm is calculated as well to safeguard the balance of the mechanism.By combining separating bar method and principle of virtual displacement,the constraint force of the joint is calculated.The driving torque and constraint force calculated shall be compared with simulation results made by ADAMS virtual prototyping software,and if they are coincident with each other,this method is verified to be feasible.

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