
基于ANSYS Workbench的主轴箱有限元分析及优化设计

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  • 发布时间:2014-03-22


以高速立式加工中心主轴箱为研究对象,针对其结构特点,利用ANSYSWorkbench平台建立了有限元模型。分析主轴箱的实际工作情况,得到其刚度最差的工况位置,对此位置进行了铣削工况下的静力分析。对主轴箱进行模态分析,提取了前四阶固有频率及振型图。根据静动态特性分析结果对主轴箱进行了多目标多尺寸的优化设计。对优化后的主轴箱进行了静动态特性有限元分析,结果表明优化后的主轴箱静动态特性有显著提高。 The headstock of high-speed vertical machining center is taken as the object of study The finite element model is established based on structural features taking advantage of ANSYS Workbench.The actual work condition of headstock is analyzed with the location of worst stiffness obtained.The static analysis is performed on the headstock under the condition of boring and milling.Modal analysis is taken with the first four natural frequencies and vibration models gotten.Multi-objective and multi-parameter optimization is taken.Compared to the results of finite element analysis of original headstock,the dynamic and static characters are greatly improved.

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