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  • 发布时间:2014-03-23
为避免在以参考应力作为删除准则的SKO方法中的早熟现象,提出了基于连续阶跃参考应力的SKO结构拓扑优化方法。该方法以结构平均应力乘以一个可随迭代状态自动调节的权重系数作为参考应力,当结构达到一个局部最优状态时,权重系数自动增加一增量,参考应力阶跃增加,从而使寻优过程继续。该方法包含二重循环,内循环为局部寻优过程,外循环为全局寻优过程。当结构的总体积变化小于给定的总体体积容差时,寻优过程结束。最后研究了该方法中参数的选择原则,并通过若干典型算例说明了方法的有效性。 In order to avoid the local minimum during the optimization iterative process based on the SKO technique, a continuous step-up reference stress criterion was proposed. The reference stress was defined that the average stress multiplied a weighted parameter which can be changed by the current iterative state automatically. When the optimal iteration achieved a local minimum, the weighted parameter was increased automatically by a certain specified value, hence the reference stress was increased and the optimal iteration can be continued. The proposed method included two iterative cycles, in which the inner one was the local optimal iteration, while the outer one was the global optimal iteration. When the volume change between two iterations is smaller than a specified tolerance, the optimal structure is obtained. The design parameters of the proposed method were studied, and the validity of the proposed method was given by several typical design examples.?
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