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  • 发布时间:2014-03-23


针对目前转子动平衡技术需多次试重起车的不足,研究了转子在无试重起车情况下进行动平衡的实用方法――一次加重平衡法。该方法综合采用了影响系数法和模态平衡法的思想,通过测取转子在选定测点及转速上的实际振动值,根据机组自身参数选取合适的配重及加重角度,使转子在选定测点及转速上的残余振动量达到要求。动平衡实例表明,该方法能有效地降低转子残余不平衡振动量,在转子现场动平衡中有广阔的应用前景。 In most balancing procedures currently in use, test weights and runs are required for the calculation of correction masses. To overcome this shortcoming, a new rotor balancing method without test weights was researched. By comprehensively using ideas of dynamic balancing method and coefficient influencing, based on the information from the inherent parameters of rotor and measured original vibration values, correction mass and position were selected, the residual vibrations at selected measurement locations and balancing speeds were reduced as soon as possible. Experiments of dynamic balancing show that the residual vibrations can be reduced effectively by this method, which has wide application prospect in dynamic balancing for rotor on site.

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