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机械动平衡Many users of elastomeric couplings are being presented with the need for increased balancing. This
subject is mentioned in trade articles, trade shows, seminars, by consultants and engineering schools.
The reason often given for increased coupling balance is noise, shaft and bearing wear, and vibration.
Many of the proponents of tighter balancing, speak of values of balance which can significantly
increase the product cost and may produce no observable benefit to the application. All manufactured
couplings have balance to some value or class. The amount of balance required varies from
application to application. This is a result of the fact that every coupling is but one component of a
rotating system of many components manufactured by several manufactures. It is often the
characteristics of these other components which determine the amount of required coupling balance.
Very often, the user of couplings specifies a value of balance based upon a source which has no
knowledge of their unique system. The risk is that the value of balance specified may be beyond the
userís application needs. Because the responsibility for the selection of proper coupling balance lies
primarily with the purchaser of the coupling, this ìprimerî was written to aid that user in determining
the value or class of balance needed in their own unique application.

This ìprimerî is divided into two sections. Section I covers fundamentals of balancing. These
subjects are for the person with little or no understanding of balancing. The discussion employs
ìeverydayî illustrations of balancing. It demonstrates that everyone already has some knowledge of
balancing and merely needs to learn the proper terms being used in the industry in order to better
communicate their needs to their supplier.

Section II is designed to provide some of the fundamental information needed to select a balancing
value or class. Based upon the knowledge obtained in Section I and the specifics of Section II, the user
will be able to communicate comfortably with the coupling supplier to obtain the coupling which will
more than satisfactorily operate in their system. Using this information, the amount of balance
specified will meet their needs without imposing a significant cost due to over specification.

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