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RBF神经网络的PID控制研究与仿真摘要: 研究工业控制系统优化问题, 由于工业控制领域中存在复杂非线性时变系统, 很难确定精确模型。传统 PI D控制局限
于线性系统, 控制效果不理想。为了提高控制精度, 提出-种 RBF神经网络辨识的 PI D控制方法。首先利用 RBF神经网络
线辨识被控对象的离散模型, 获得 PI D参数在线调整信息, 然后利用单神经元对控制器参数进行在线自适应整定, 从而实现
系统的智能控制。通过实例进行验证, 并与传统 PI D控制方法进行对比, 结果表明控制方法具有响应速度快、 控制精度高等
优点, 且具有较强的自适应性、 鲁棒性和抗干扰能力, 为控制系统设计提供了新方法。
关键词: 径向基函数神经网络; 非线性系统; 系统辨识
中图分类号: TP273  文献标识码: A
Study and Simul ation on PID Control Based on RBF NeuralNetwork
CHEN Y i- fei
( Yancheng Instit ute o f Techno l ogy , Yancheng Ji ang su 224051 , Ch i na)
ABSTRACT : Industria l contro l syste m s are comp lex non li near ti m e- vary i ng syste m s , wh ile t he traditiona l PI D con
trol is li m i ted to li near syste m, t herefore the control effect i s not i dea. l In o rder to i mprov e t he contro l prec i sion , the
paper propo ses a contro lm ethod based on RBF neural net w ork . F irstl y, discretem ode ls i s identifi ed byRBFNN con
troller to get PI D pa rame ters t uni ng i nfo r m ati on , t hen s i ng le neuron contro ller is used to set the pa ra m e ters so as to
rea li ze the i n telli g ent contro l syste m. The proposed m e t hod is verified , the results show that t he contro lm ethod has
faster response ti m e , h i gher contro l precision compared w ith the traditi onal PID con tro lm e t hods , and is o f strong a
daptab ility , robustness and anti- i nterference ability .
KEYWORDS : RBF neu ra l net wo rk ; Nonli near syste m s ; Identifi cation

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