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Friction Drive Piezoelectric Micro Displacement Dynamic ModeIand Simulink SimulationLI Bo ,cHEN Qi ,ZHOU Wang(1.Institute of Modem Optical Technologies,Key Lab of Advanced Optical Manufacturing Technologies of Jiangsu Provinceand Key Lab of Modem Optical Technologies of Education Ministry of China,Soochow University,Jiangsu Suzhou 21 5006,China;2.Suzhou Institute of Biomedical Engineering and Technology Chinese Academy of Sciences,Jiangsu Suzhou 215163,Chias)Abstract:Based on gating ruling machines drive mechanism (H瑚ro-friction drive,micro-)piezoelectric ceramics drivermodel and dynamics mo del is set up,which also called the second order dynamic model of spring damping system,andthrough the input ofnlATro moving parts and micro displaceme nt,thefinal score tool displaceme nt Was simulated,and byapptring Matlab Simulink the computing expressions involved Was solved,and the corresponding simulation curve of thepositioning drawing Was drawrL The displacement cuPve of theory friction drive and piezoelectric ceramic combination(hereinafter called experimental combination)and the conventional combination (e.g,ball screw,gear and rack,etc.)running cuFves were obtained.The experime ntal combination displaceme nt is strong in regularity,easy to control,and itsprecision Can me etthe design requireme nts。

Key W ords:Friction Drive;Micro Displacement;Dynamic Model;Simulink Simulationl l商光栅的主要有两种制作方法:机械刻划和全息离子束刻蚀。


2总体方案此实验刻划机为机械刻划 ,驱动方式选为摩擦驱动方式日,较滚珠丝杠、液体静压丝杠和齿轮齿条组合运行平稳 、正反空程非线性孝定位精度高,且其工作无周期性误差、无间隙日,并将摩擦驱动作为宏进给机构,前置压电陶瓷结构作为微进给机构。应用气浮导轨减小工作阻尼。总体方案,如图1所示。


图 1三维总体方案Fig.1 3-D OverMl Scheme来稿日期:2012-09-29作者简介:李 博 ,(1987-),男,黑龙江人 ,硕士,主要研究方向:光栅刻划机摩擦驱动分析与仿真;陈 琦 ,(1961-),男,吉林人,研究员,硕士生导师,主要研究方向:精密机械制造技术与研究、企业生产组织与管理工作2lO 机械设计与制造No.7July.2013--- 同理:分析得出 、 、 。所以:-- --T W'-WW2W3W44 89.731%则 < 所以得出:使用螺旋测微仪检测零件的合格率没有该设计的精度检测仪检测合格率高。并且该精度检测仪的工作效率明显优于螺旋测微仪,体现了这种光学放大原理检测技术的优越性。

表 3采用传统螺旋测微器检测的数据Tab.3 Traditional Screw Micrometer Detected Data组数 序号 理论 e s D/mm li/mm 测量偏差 合格率l 3O 32.975 -2.9752 3O 31.083 -1.0833 3O 3l-224 -l2244 30 29.382 0.6l85 30 28.529 1.47l1 3 0.96 30 34.156 4.1567 3O 27.016 2.9848 3O 28.163 1.8379 30 27.359 2.64110 30 27.085 2.9151 80 83.201 -3.2012 80 81.132 -1.1323 80 85.307 -5-3O74 80 8O.339 --0.3395 8O 78.535 1.4652 5 0.96 8O 79.306 0.6947 8O 8l J0o5 -1.o058 80 74.345 5.6559 80 8O.696 -o.696lO 8O 77.485 2.515l l00 99.305 0.6952 1o0 lo4.328 -4.3283 lo0 94.o58 5.9424 1o0 93.272 6.7285 loo 105.449 -5.4493 6 0.86 l0o 101.107 -1.1077 l00 lo6.363 -6.3638 1oo 95.158 4.8429 1o0 97.325 2.67510 1oo 94.329 5.67ll 8O 83.201 -3.2012 80 82.147 -2.1473 8O 8O.128 -0.1284 8O 77.328 2.6725 8O 82.1l3 -2.136 80 79.305 0.6954 5 0.97 8O 75.104 4.8968 80 73.085 6.915。9 80 84.305 -4.305lO 8O 83.442 -3.429 1o0 101.747 -l74710 10o 99.21 0.795结论(1)根据光学放大原理设计了-种机械零件尺寸检测仪,其结构简单、操作方便、检测成本较低。


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