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Experimental Research and Development of Metal Drop-on-demand SprayApparatus Driven by the Stress W aveTAO Yuan YANG Fang LUO Jun CHAO Yanpu QI Lehua -2(1.School ofMechatronic Engineering,Northwestern Polytechnical University,Xian 710072;2.Education Ministry Key Laboratory of Modem Design and Integrated Manufacturing Technology,Northwestern Polytechnical University,Xian 710072)Abstract:The metal droplet size is mainly determined by the nozzle size in the existing metal drop-on-demand(DOD)technologies。

It is hard to spray metal micro droplets with diameter smaler than nozzle diameter by using those techn ologies.A novel metal dropletgenerator driven by stress wave is designed and developed to spray metal micro droplets without the limit ofthe nozzle size.Then themetal micro droplets generation experiment is carried out by using Sn-40%Pb alloy when the heating temperature and coaxial gasflow is about 300 ℃ and more than 6 L/min.respectively.Th e experiment results show that the average diam eter of dropletsgenerated by the stress wave is approximately 60% of the nozzle size an d the standard variation of droplet diameter is 9.2 lun whenthepulsewidth is 5ms,thepulsefrequencyis 5Hz,theimpact rod strokeis 3mlTl andthe distancebetweenthe vibration rodbotoman d nozzle iS 1.5 mn1.The experiment results show the feasibility of the stress driven D0D generator.Th e experimental results alsoshow thatin the appropriateimpact rod stroke range,the size ofthedropletdiameterincreaseslinearlywith thepulsewidthincreasesand exponentialy decreases with the increase of pulse frequency,showing that it is easy to chan ge the droplet size when the nozzlesize is constant using the developed DOD generator.The research provides a novel method for generating droplets of which size issmaler than nozzle size.These works are useful for further application of metal droplet spray techn ology。

Key words:Drop-on-demand Stress wave Nozzle M icrodroplets0 前言金属微滴喷射技术可实现微量金属材料(如国家自然科学基金(51105314)、全国百篇优秀博士学位论文作者专项基金(2007B3)和西北工业大学研究生种子创新基金(Z2012055)资助项目。

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