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37l V01.37 No.1至Q! !!!!!! !!! ! ! ! !! !! ! ! ! !! ! ! ! ! :2Q!主 轴 箱 动 / 静 / 热 态 特 性 综 合 分 析 与 优 化1, 2, 1,1(1.,210094;2.,100191):,,//。,;耦。耦、,;。5.02%,80%,76.5%,5.6%。,,。:;;;:THl 13.1 :10059830( 2013) 01008707Compr ehensi Ve anal ysi s and opt i I I I i zat i on f or t hest at i c/dynac/t hermal char act er i s t i cs of head f r ameWang Yul i nl ,Li ao Kai 2,J i n Nal ,Feng Hut i anl( 1.Sc hool of Mechani cal Enneer i ng,NUST,Nanj i ng 210094,Chi na;2.School of Mechani cal Engi neer i ngaI l d Aut omat i on,Bei j i ng Aemnaut i cs and Ast mnaut i cs Uni Ver s i t y,Bei j ing 100191,Chi na)Abst ract:To i mprove t he s t i f mess of t he head f rame and de cr eas e t he i nnuence of i t s de f0at i onand Vi br at i on on t he machi ni ng pr eci s i on,t he s t at i c/dynami c/t heal si mul a t i on and compr ehens i veopt i mi zat i on of t he head f hme.St r uct ur al weakness es i s i dent i f i ed and i mpr oved baSed on t he modelanal ysi s.-11l e t healmechani c al coupl i ng si mul a t i on of t he head f r ame.The t empe r at ur e f i el d,t ot a ldi spl acement and st r ess di st r i but ion of me head f hme ar e obt ai ned,and t he compr ehens i veopt i mi zat i on sol ut i on i s pmposed.The f i r s t - order na t uml fquency of t he opt i mal head f hmei ncr ease s by 5.02%,t he maximum def omat i on de cr ea ses by 80%,and t he maximum s t r essdec r ees by 76.5%,whi l e t he mas s de cr ea ses by 5.6%.The st at i c and dynami c st i f ne ss i ncr eas es。:20120322 :20120515:( 51105208);( 2009zx0400117102) ;( 2012T50504);(20110491426);(1101082c ):(1981),,,,:、,E.mai l :wyl s j tu###126.com。:,,,.//[ J].,2013,37( 1):8793.:h t t p://nj l gd) (b.papemnc e.org88 37lal l d t he t hea l s t I.es s aI l d sn ar e i mpmved.Thi s met hod al s o pmvi des a r ef er enc e f or s i mul a t i onand opt i mi zat i on of ot l l e r key pans.Key words:head f jes; st at i c aI l d dyTc char act eri s t i cs;t heml al chct er i s t i c;f i I l i t e el enl ent Ine t l od、、、,,,。,,、。,、 ,,,//。,。,。Wang1。31。、H1。,,,xu。。KimJ。,,、。,耦,,,,。1。ANSYS###,H00,E150GPa,p0.25,p7 350 km3,46.5106 W/(mK) ,11 K,0.528 J/kgK。s ol i d 95,耦10Sol i d 98,4。,6。22.1Bl ock Lanczos。1。 . . . -) 066085 13217 198254 2339033042( ) 99127 165212 231297 297382( a) ( 23 1. 77 Hz)0 029484 058969 088453 117938014742 044227 073711 103195 13268(b)(266.06 Hz)L.-026416 052832 079247 105663 0 039688 079376 119064 158752013208 019614c604 092455 118 l 019844 059532 09922 138908 178596( c) i( 289.24 Hz) (d)(329.10Hz)l,Pr o/E### ;188 // 89;;。,,。,,。2.2,,,。,,。:( a)T”;( b);( c);( d);( e);( f )、;( g)dl Omm;( h)15 mm。,2,。, 1。1够掺◆◇雷◇2l,,。,,,。,,。,,,。,,( 1) :( 0c1。Al a2A2a3A3a4A4)( 1) B ( 1):,Aii,B(i,Ai;,),,a。i。,0.35,[ al a2 a3 0c4][ 0.4 0.3 0.20.1], ' 7,1。,( d) 。 37133.1,。,,,,3( a),1、2、3、4。:、、;:、,。,3( b),F。%,。、FP2FP3,、,1:Fm2766.2 N,6880。6 Nl ;554.4 NFph205.4 N3,4144.3 NFm405.1 N,617.9 Nl,248.8 N,92.1 N%,682.2 N(a1!H ( h) l:,f33.23.2.1,。、,。1400 W/(m2);, 80 W,/( m2),20。3.2.2Ⅳ( 1' 7) ( 2):(W) ;(W) ;。,:ErMn月 2而 ( 3):M(Nmm);n( r /mi n) 。,M15.5 Nm,n3 000 r/l I l i n,95%,:243.5 W。3.2.3,Pal mgr en101:1.04710。M ( 4):;%;,,MMoML慨 : r o× 10- ‰ 旌 % <2000 ( 5)眠 2i l o- ‰ ㈠ )们 以 慵 2000MLf LPI dm:,,。(,50,d。40 mm,d。,160 I I l I n,dm4180 mm)(,1)(0.001);%(,13.33 r/I I I i n);P。( 4P1。5.42104Pa,P126.61104 Pa,P137.910Pa,P145.42103 Pa)。:200 W/m2;3 981.3 W/m2;%367.2 W/m2;500.6,o3.3耦耦188 // 91。:耦耦。耦,;耦,耦。耦,,耦。,ANsYS###,4( a)。155 18.255 21.5l l 24 766 2802116628 193 2313894 29649( a)29.649。2,;20,20。4( b),2,0.028舢,40.025 1,;4( c),2,16.2 MPa。 L- - - - J -( b)4耦( 1)4( c),,15 MPa,。,。5( a)。25 mm至18 mm。ANSYs###耦,5( b) 。0.013 7 mm,3(a)2,40.003Ⅱ,。,8.7 MPa,7.5 MPa,7.34%。( 2),3(a)2,至4,至,。;( c)0 304E6E05.912E.122E04152E456E760El 0c.137E( b)L O 218E437E655E874E05109E328E05764E05.3E05(c ),I 莳,I l ( d)f ij f i55( c),。--- 3715( d)0.009 8mm,2,40.002 mm,7.5 MPa,。611.89 kg619.55 kg,,1.25%。4耦。6( a) ,,,耦。,,,12 Hz。577.44 kg,34.45。5.6%5.02%,。耦。,1529.049,29.0492,。6( b) ,耦(4),0.028 nun0.005 5 mm,80.36%,40.025 1 I0.004 9 mm,80.46%,,。6( c),。,,。,16.2 MPa3.80 MPa,76.5%。,,(al Al Ⅱ2。A2d3A3d4A4)pC6D ( 6):;Ai 、B、CDi、、;0ci 、、①6。,[ d1 a2 a3 a4][ 0.4 0.3 0.20.1] 0.4 0.1 O.3 0.2,。、耦,2。,。 J0 122 E05 245E- 05 367E05 4E- 05612E06 l ;4E05 10605 429E05 55I E05( b)62J-0 122E055E.367E05 090E05612E0684Ef306E05 429E05 551E05( c)188 // 935,耦,,5.6%,、,,//。( 1);耦0.028 mm,16.2 MPa,0.019 mm,3.6 MPa。2,2。( 2),,,5.02%,80.36%,76.5%,5.6%,。:[ 2][ 3],,,.[ J ].,2000,24( 3):257259.Chu Zhi yuan,Yang Guol ai ,Zhang Li f ang,et a1.A f i nit eel ement anal ysi s of t he huU of an overs ea t mwl boatunder gun shoot i ng[ J ].Joumal of Nanj i ng uni vers i t yof Sci ence and Technol ogy,2000,24( 3) :257259.Wang Yul i n,Ji n Na,Li ao Ka i,e t a1.Ana l ysi s andopt i mi z at i on of t he s t at i c and dynami c chc t e st i c s ofhead f r ame[ J].Advanced Mat e r i al s Res ea rch,2012,418420.20552059.,,,.[ J ].,2010,34( 4):528532.Hou J i an,Ke Xuewei ,Wei Pi ng,e t a1.Dynamic des i gnf or ammuni t i on swing devi ce of l ar ge ca l i be r shi p gun[ J] .Joumal of Nanj i ng uni vers i t y of Sci ence andTechnol og),2010,34(4):528532.[4],,,.[ J].,2008,44( 5):152159.Dai Lei,Guan Zhenqun,Shan Jun,et a1.3Dpar amet er i zed s hape opt i mi zat i on desi gn f or machi net ool mechani s m[ J ].Chi nes e Joumal of Mechani calEngi neer i ng,2008,44( 5) :152159.[5],,,.[ J].,2009,41( 9) :164168.Lai Yi nan,You Bindi,Song Yi xi n,e t a1.Fuzzy f i mt ee l ement opt il l l i zati on of col i ca t ed r r lechal l i cal stⅢct u r e[ J ].Journa l of Ha i n I ns t it ut e of 1kl l nol ogy,2009,4l( 9):164168.[ 6] ,,,.BP[ J] .,2002,32( 4):594597.Ma0 HLul,s un Qinghong,chen NaI l ,et a1.Dynar I l i c op.t i r Il iz a t i on of l arpans of chi ne tbased on BPneurm net work mode[ J ].Joumal of sout he as t uni ve r si t y(Na t ur a l Sci ence Edi t i on),2002,32( 4):594597.[ 7] xu Min,J i ang s huyun,cai Yi ng.An impmved t hea1model f or machi ne t ool bengs[ J ].I nt emat i onalJoumal of Machi ne T00l s and Manuf actur e,2007,47(1):5362.[ 8] l ( i m J J,J eong Y H,cho D w.ml a l behavi or of amachi ne t ool equi pped wi t h l i near r not ors [ J ].Int ema t i ona l Joumal of Ma cl l i ne 1l s and Manu f l ct ur e.2004,44:7 49758.[ 9] ,.[ J ].,2010,44( 1):3840.Ying)i nuan,Haol i n.FEA of t l l eal chaLact er i st i csf or cNc rr Hchi ne spi ndl e s ys t em[ J].Tbol Ennee r i ng,10,44( 1) :38.[ 10].[M].:,1982.

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