
基于ANSYS Workbench的拾片头模态分析

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Jun.2013机 床 与 液 压Hydromeehatronies Engineering Vo1.41 No.12DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1001-3881.2013.12.018M odal Analysis of Picking Chip Head Based onANSYS W orkbenchLI Yaping ,ZHONG Peisi ,GONG Wenfeng ,LI Guili. Advanced Manufacturing Technology Center,Shandong University of Science and Technology,Qingdao266590,China;2.Advanced Design and Manufacturing Research Institute,Guilin University of Electronic Technology,Guilin541004,China1.IntroductionAbstract:Picking chip head is one of the most important moving parts of flip chip bonder.Itneeds to implement reciprocating fast moving of X Y Z three directions.Modal analysis is founda-tion of the study of picking chip head vibration characteristic.3D model of picking chip head is es-tablished with Pro/E.The modeljs saved in the format of.xt.and modaI analysis is made erimporting the model into ANSYS Workbench.The first ten order inherent frequencies and vibra-tion mode of picking chip head are obtained.The calculation results are analyzed.The resultsshow that picking chip heads first-order inherent frequency is 1 455 Hz.It is higher than workfrequency of picking chip head.The resonance phenomenon would not occur.Picking chip headhas beRer dynamic characteristic。

Key words:modal analysis,ANSYS workbench,picking chip headFlip chip bonder[1](FCB)is also caled diebonder. It bonds chip and chip carrier togetherthrough the process of picking-up, rolling-over,transmission,recognition,dispensing,bonding andso on in the way of chip bonding.FCB is one of themost important encapsulation devices in the field ofmicroelectronics encapsulation and is the key deviceof later packaging industry and also the first device ofencapsulation process。

Picking chip head is one of the most importantmoving parts of FCB. Its main function is finishingpick-up and placement of chip. Picking chip headhas three degrees of freedom. It needs to implementReceived:2013-01-24Shandong Province Natural Science Foundion, China(ZR201lEEMO14)。

LI Yaping.E-mail:liyaping-skd### 163.coinreciprocating fast moving of .Y and Z directions。

Picking chip mechanism makes moving parts pro-duced greater inertia force because of its larger accel-eration(2-4 g,1 g 9.8 N/In )during the rapidreciprocating motion.Its insufficient rigidity structurewill cause residual vibration from suction nozzle placeof picking chip head.Resonance generates when ex-ternal vibration frequency and structure partscertainorder inherent frequency are same or similar[2]。

The accuracy and eficiency of picking up the chipwill be affected、directly.So modal analysis of pickingchip head is required。

Modality is one of the inherent vibration charac-teristics of mechanical structure.Each modality has aspecifc inherent frequency,damping ratio and modalshape2-3].Modal analysis is a modem method tostudy the structural dynamics characteristics and is anapplication of system identifcation method in thefield of engineering vibration[3].Research on modalanalysis mainly focuses on modal parameter identifi-cation at present[4].The representative research isLI Yaping,et al:Modal Analysis of Picking Chip Head Based onANSYS Workbench 85other structural parts.So L plate of picking chip headis defined as fixed constraint.Six degrees of freedomare limited.Nine bolt holes are fixed by Fixed Sup。

port in ANSYS Workbench.The system will detectcontact and establish contact pairs automatically afterimporting picking chip head model into ANSYSWorkbench1O].Bonded contact is used for perma-nent connection pans。

Tab.1 Material properties3.M odal analysis of picking chip head3.1.Modal analysis processThe high precision,speed,reliability and lowvibration are important characteristics of picking chiphead.It will be helpful for evaluation of dynamiccharacteristics of picking chip head to get inherentfeatures of picking chip head。

Modal parameters can be obtained by calculationor experimental analysis.The process of getting mo-dal parameters with the finite element calculationmethod is called calculation modal analysis. Theprocess of geting modal parameters which are ob-tained by collecting input and output signal with ex-periment equipment and through recognition process-ing is called experimental modal analysis[. This re。

search is a calculation modal analysis basedonANSYS workbench. Fig.3 is the general analysisflow chart of ANSYS workbench。

3.2.M odal calculation and solution equationsModal parameter calculation disperses continu。

OUS system into n nodes in ANSYS Workbench soft-ware,then every node is calculated.The unifed mo-dal parameters are superimposed finally,and then theparameters are exported.According to Newtons see-ond principle and mechanical kinematics,the move-ment differential equation of the mechanical system isobtainedl1]:[M]X[C] [K] F(t) (1)Which,[M]is the mass matrix,[C]is the damp-ing matrix,[K]is the stifness matrix,Xis thecomponentsacceleration,Xis the velocity,驯is the displacement,F(t)is the exciting forcematrix.In Eq.(1)X 。(t), 2(t),, (t)F(t):F。(t), (z),,F (t)l Finite e1ement modeling IDefining material propert eSI Contact type and regional settingsM eshingDefining boundary conditionsf Seting analysis type II Deftning solVing order 1SolvingI checking resu1ts/generating reports IFig.3 Modal analysis flow chart of ANSYS WorkbenchWithout external excitation force,the system be-comes free vibration state,that is,F(t)0。

Eq.(1)can be changed to free vibration diferentialequation:[M]X[C] [K]X0(2)The structural damping of picking chip head hasa little impact on its inherent frequency and vibrationmodes in the process of modal analysis.So the struc-tural damping can be neglected([C]0).ThenEq.(2)can be changed to undamped free vibrationdifferential equation:[ ] [ ] The solution of Eq。

1owing formula:In which,tiont”arraV(3)can be 0 (3)assumed in the fo1。

XAsin(cot ) (4)Ais the amplitude aray,the accelera-is obtained after taking twice derivative ofin Eq.(4):X- Asin(cot ) (5)Take Eq.(4)and Eq.(5)into Eq.(3),and theform ula is got:([K]-o)2[M])A;0 (6)If the solutions of matrixAin Eq.(6)includeuntrivial solution,then the following form ula should88 HydrOmechatronics Engineeringproved or material stiffness should be increased.Ribplate should be added in order to strengthen L platein suitable position。

3)Modal analysis of picking chip head is madeand the inherent characteristic of the structure is ob。

tained.The weak link of structure iS found out.Ref-erence is offered for further experimental modal anal-ysis and structural optimization。

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基于 ANSYS Workbench的拾片头模态分析李雅萍 ,钟佩思 ,宫文峰 ,李桂莉1.山东科技大学 先进制造技术研究中心,山东 青岛 266590;2.桂林电子科技大学 先进设计与制造技术研究所,广西 桂林 541004摘要:拾片头是倒装芯片键合机的关键运动部件之-,需要 实现 、y、z三个方向的往复快速移动。

模态分析是研究拾片头振动特性的基矗利用Pro/E建立拾片头三维模型,保存为.xt格式后导入ANSYS Workbench12进行计算模态分析,获取拾片头的前 10阶固有频率和振型,并对计算结果进行了分析♂果表明:拾片头-阶固有频率为1 455 Hz,远高于拾片头的工作频率,不会产生共振现象,具有较好的动力学特性。

关键词:模态分析;ANSYS Workbench;拾片头中图分类号:TH113.1

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