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Design of engine piston rod press-fitting moldGAO Liyi(Department of Mechanical Engineering,Guangzhou Vocational Colege ofScience and Technology,Guangzhou 5 1 0550,CHN)Abstract:Severe radial dermation OCCURS in piston assembly.Based on the analysis of internal structure space ofpiston rod assemblies and press-fitting process as wel as forming force,we designed the cantilever Ushaped structure and pneumatic rod element and the reasonable parts were supported in sequence in thetwo periods of piston press-fitting process.Furtherm ore,the steel bal and piston pin were designed asthe integrated locating elements of the piston and the orientation elements of piston pin were also de-signed in this paper.The results showed that the press-fitting mold could guarantee the press-fittingquality of piston rod and meet the requirements of mass production。

Keywords:Piston Rod Assemblies;Press-fitting;Mold Design图 1是公司大批量生产的汽油发动机活塞连杆组件图。产品试制初期,经对压装后的活塞连杆组件检测,发现活塞径向变形很大,圆度误差最大达到0.20mm,严重影响活塞连杆的装配质量。

1 技术分析1.1 活塞的结构分析如图 1示,活塞的整体结构类似于圆筒体,材料为铝合金。工作时在燃烧室内作往复直线运动。为了减蓄塞质量,并在其内腔给连杆小头提供-定的运动空间,活塞被设计成薄壁简件。

1.2 压装过程及工艺力分析由图 1知,活塞销与活塞 a、b两销孔为过盈配合,与连杆孔为问隙配合。压装时活塞销先压人 a孔,再穿过连杆孔,最后压入 b孑L。在产品试制时,压装的全过程都是以活塞 面为支承面;当活塞销压人活塞a的滑动摩擦传递动力,输送过程轻快灵活省力。

(3)由于结构所限大小齿轮支承轴 11较细,试车过程中发现支承轴受力变形;为此增加了两个导向支座 14限制支承轴,从而有效解决支承轴的变形问题。

3 结语该结构合理,轻快灵活,效率高,具有-定的推广价值。

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