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Simulation of Priority of Valve Dynamic Characteristic based on AMESim SoftwareZHANG Yuanshen,NIU Xuehong,MA Zhongxiao,SONG Youming,ZHU Xuan(Lanzhou University of Technology,Lanzhou 730050,China)Abstract:Hydraulic priority valve is one of the most important component on the hydraulic steering system ,its per-formance wil affect safety and reliability of the hydraulic steering system.In the paper,the model for the hydraulic priorityvalve was founded with AMESim software,the dynamic response curves under different steering gear areas and orifice areaswere obtained by the simulation.When load pressure was same,increasing steering flow can improve the performance of thesteering gear,SO as to realize the optimization of the valve of hydraulic priority。

Key words:hydraulic priority valve,AMESim ,simulation,dynamic characteristic液压转向系统是工程机械中最重要的液压系统之-,其对整机的安全性、可靠性、效率性及操作舒适性,尤其是安全性起着决定性的影响。目前,工程机械中的大部分液压转向系统采用负荷传感全液压转向系统,作为液压转向系统中的关键元件液压优先阀,对其特性的研究有着至关重要的作用。优先阀的主要作用是无论转向负载还是转向速度如何变化都优先向钻向系统供油,并保证转向系统的供油稳定性[-1-5]。

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