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Application of Hydraulic Synchronous Lifting System inScheduled M aintenance of HelicopterLI Er-hua ,GU0 Chao-yong ,ZHOU Xing-yin ,HE Yu-ling(1.Ordnance Engineering Colege,Shijiazhuang 050000,China;2.North China Electric Power University,Baoding 071000,China)Abstract:To lift helicopters is the first step in the process of landing gear maintenance and the step hasquite time scale.A hydraulic synchronous lifting system for a certain type of helicopter is given and thesystem is based on close loop feedback control principle.The constitutes of the system are given and thehydraulic loop of the system is designed.W orking process of the helicopter lifting is described in detail。

The system can achieve the synchronous lifting for the helicopter and can improve the eficiency of sched-uled maintenance of landing gear。

Key words:synchronizing lifting technology;hydraulic synchronous loop;synchronization control直升机起落架是直升机的重要部件,对其定期性能检测、维护是保证飞行的安全性的必要于段。在起落架的维护中,需要首先将直升机提升到-定高度,使起落架处于悬窄状态。传统的直升机提升过程采用人T操作千斤顶的方法 ,该方法在提升过程中为了保证飞机的平稳,需要多人同时作业 ,提升精度完全由人工控制,提升过程长。大型构件液压同步提升技术在国内外得到了广泛的应用 ,比如北京西客站主站房1 800 t钢门楼整体提升,国

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