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Isogeometric Shape Optimization M ethod with Patch Removal for HoledStructuresCAI Shouyu ZHANG Weihong LI Yang(School of Mechanical Engineering,Nohwestem Polytechnical University,Xian 710072)Abstract:Nonuniform rational B-spline(NURBS、basis function is used as the interpolation function of unknown physical field inisogeometric analysis(IGA)method.The model transformation process is avoided in isogeometric shape optimization,becausedesign,analysis and optimization models Can al be represented in the framework of NURBS.Previously,the multiple patchesmethod is often adopted to model topologically complex structures in isogeometric shape optimization.However,it has been foundinconvenient for holed structures,especially when multiholes are involved.Th e reason lies in that the structure needs to bepartitioned into many intact patches suitable to structural analysis.Th erefore,an isogeometric shape optimization method using patchremoval is proposed.The patch partition is achieved on the basis of inner and outer boundaries of holed structures.M oreover,anan alytical sho e sensitivity approach is developed.By mean s of classical optimization example of torque alTl,it proves that thepresent method can not only provide a concise modeling approach,but also favor the selection of design variables。

Key words:Isogeometric an alysis Shape optimization Holed sh1lctIlle Multiple patches Patch removal0 前言连续体结构形状优化是通过改变结构内外边界的形状以改善结构特性(如降低应力集中、减轻结构质量等)的-种优化过程,传统形状优化常采用有限元分析方法进行结构力学响应分析和灵敏度计算。早期的结构形状优化直接把有限元模型的边界·国家自然科学基金资助项I1(51275424,10925212)。20120919收到初稿,20130325收到修改稿节点作为设计变量,而这些节点的相互独立变化导致形如锯齿的优化结果j,于是多项式和样条函数相继用于结构边界的参数化表征以约束边界节点的移动,尤其是非均匀有理B样条(Nonuniform rationalB-spline,NURBS)t2j被 STEP标准定义为唯-的自由型曲线曲面表示方法♂构形状优化设计过程-般包含三类模型:基于 CAD的设计模型、FEA离散分析模型和优化模型,而如何实现三种模型之间的高效转换-直是-个富有挑战性的问题jJ。

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