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Modeling and Analysis of Stamping M achine based on ADAMSLI Hongyun,LI Zhekun(Faculty of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering,Kunming University of Technology,Kunming 650500,China)Abstract:The simplified stamping machine structure was modeled and simulated in ADAMS.According to initial condition,actual requirements,and the geometry condition of the structure,complex parameters were achieved by using AD-AMS/Insight,which can not only greatly reduce the amount of computation,but also can make the design successful in onecount,obviously improved the design efficiency. Took ADAMS as dynamic simulation software,and took parameterizedmodeling and dynamic simulation of stamping machine as example,A method of modeling design and dynamic simulationwas introduced for solving the furthest problems during design,and then cutting down the expense and reducing the periodof launching product。

Key words:ADAMS,stamping equipment,modeling,simulation,optimization虚拟样机 (virtual prototype)技术是-种基于产品计算机仿真模型 的数字化设计方法,这些数字模型即虚拟样机支持并行工程方法学,已经被广泛地应用于设计和制造领域,其中,机械制造业中采用分析软件 ADAMS较为普遍 。在机械产 品的设计阶段,通过虚拟设计和制造后 ,可以尽早地发现原设计方案中存在的问题;并且根据设计指标要求 ,对某些参数进行优化,从而极大地降低了设计成本,同时也减少了设计时间。

1 简化模型并给出机构总体尺寸某冲压机的机构如图 1所示。参照文献Eli,假设初始的实际条件为:大齿轮 1的节圆半径 R -200mm;小齿轮 2的节圆半径 R:-5O mm,且以角速度-120 r/min绕 点转动;LAB-LRl-200 mm,L -1 050 mm,L :1 000 mm,L∞-800 rnm 机架与滑块的运动轴线 的初始角为 65。,滑块在向下冲压时所受的最大冲压力为 10 kN。利用 ADAMS/Insight,根据初试条件,分析确定了当设计冲压行程为 180 mm,误差≤5 时,各构件的几何条件。

76图 1 冲压机的机构 示意简 图2 在 ADAMS中建立冲压机的机构模型2.1 建立模型建立冲压机 的机构几何模型 ,如图 2所示 。

《新技术新工艺》设计计算与试验研究图 2 机构 几何模型

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