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Processing and Testing of the Silicon Cyfindrical M irrorZHAO Shuang,FU Xiuhua,JIA Zonghe(School of Optic Electronic Engineering,Changchun University of Science and Technology,Changchun 130022)Abstract:In order to realize the large size cylindrical mirror of high precision processing,the difficult problems in thisfield are solved,the single crystal silicon cylindrical mirror processing and testing methods are deeply researched.In thispaper,the classical process is combined with modem process to use.At first,the single crystal silicon cylindrical mir-roy machining process is introduced,including coarse grinding,fine grinding and polishing.Then,based on this,theproduction of polishing disk and the choice of polishing solution are detailedly expounded.Finaly,the surface shape isdetected by using profilometer and interferometer,and the surface error are analyzed.The experimental results indicatethat the piano-concave cylindrical mirror whose size is 300 X 150 X 50 mm, radius is 4000mm, after processing thereal radius iS 4028mm.and the p-V number of surface error iS 0.15Fm.and the roughness iS III leve1.A1l the param-eters are reached the drawing accuracy and carl meet the operational requirement of the optical element。

Key words:cylindrical mirror;processing;testing;surface eror;interferometer柱面镜主要用于改变成像尺寸大小,形状有平凸,双凸,平凹,双凹,弯月形柱面镜等。目前,多应用在宽荧幕镜头、线性探测器照明、全息照明、条形码扫描、光信息处理等方面。柱面镜在强激光系统和同步辐射光束线中,也有着广泛的应用。


1 /m-r流程柱面镜加工过程中的难点主要包括两方面:-是要保证面形精度及表面光洁度 ,二是要保证柱线的直线性。本文研制的单晶硅外形尺寸300x150x50mm,半径为4000mm的平凹柱面镜。图1为柱面反射镜的加工流程图,将按此流程进行加工。

收稿日期 :2012-12-12作者简介:赵爽 (1987-),女,硕士,E-mail:420233912###qq.corn。

通讯作者:付秀华 (1963-),女,博士,教授,博士生导师,E-mail:goptics###126.CON。

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