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山西冶盒E-mail:yejinsx###126.tom第36卷图3 改造前行车端梁受力分析图下位移而振动,南端焊缝处承受竖向附加交变载荷,起吊物重心偏西,与西边车轮距离为8.5 m,导致西边焊口开裂。

以此种结构,中间两轮承重最大,外边两轮承重最校我们知道两点成-直线,以此结构设计,4个轮踏面不可能在同-直线上。行车在空载情况下,轴销连接部位主要承受水平方向的力,而垂直方向上的力很小,可以忽略不计。在负荷情况下,因为2组车轮踏面存在虚接触,那么力就会传到销轴接触部位,端梁长期承受交变载荷的作用,就会在强度较低上被动轮图 4 改造后行车端梁连接方式图的轴销连接箱体处发生焊口开裂。

3 解决方案为了减序消除 ,应旧能使南北车体的承载力不发生转移。经过仔细研究改轴销连接为两头销轴中间加-连杆连接,这样就可以消除因南北车体不平而使铰接处额外承受的 力,改造后的连接结构见图4。改造后行车端梁连接处再也没有出现焊口开裂现象。

(编辑:苗运平)(上接第45页) The Role of Slab Cooling Process and Analysisof Influence Factors of the Slab QualityLV Xiaoqian(Automation Section,Laiwu Iron&Steel Group,Laiwu 271 104,China)Abstract:Thispaperintroducedthe slabcoolingprocess,andthemainefectofeachlinkan dthereasonsofinfluencing slab coling,it discussed in detail the impact offactom on the quality ofthe casting,Key words:cast slab coling,slab quality,influence factor(上接第62页) Optimization and Improvement on the Mill Oil MistHeater Control SystemZHANG W enping(Shanxi Taigang Stainless Steel Co.,Ltd.,Taiyuan 030003,China)Abstract:To solve the problem ab out TISCO Si Steel Products mil oil mist heater control system。

we adopt PID control method to optimize and improve the control system and the method i8 alsosatisfied installing demand of mechanical equ ipment lubrication.After we adopt the method,thetemperature accuracy of mill oil mist heater control system iS improved,and the failure rate ofequipment is reduced。

Key words:oil mist heater,PID control,optimize and improve

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