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The fretting wear charactertics of TC21 alloy were studied using the SRV wear testing machine with 0Crl3Ni8Mo2A1 stainless steel. Design the orthogonal experiment to investigate the effects on the wear resistance and the frequency, normal load, and amplitude. And test the relationship between friction coefficients with cycles under different experimental conditions. Results show that the amplitude exert great influence on the wear, the normal load exert is a distant second and the frequency is small. Coefficient of friction with the changing in the process of fretting wear, and the range with the increase of frequency decreases. The fretting wear of TC21 alloy occurs early, and its damage mechanism is mainly abrasive wear, and with the time of experiment exfoliative wearing and felted wearing are increasingly obvious.采用SRV磨损试验机研究了TC21钛合金与0Cr13Ni8Mo2Al不锈钢配副件的微动磨损特性;用正交实验法设计实验,系统研究了微动频率、法向载荷、微动振幅对钛合金磨损量的影响,测试了不同实验条件下摩擦系数与循环次数的关系.结果表明:微动振幅对磨损量的影响高度显著,法向载荷的影响显著,微动频率有影响但不显著;在微动过程中摩擦系数呈现出阶段性变化,同时变化幅度随着微动频率的增加逐渐减小.TC21微动磨损发生的初期,其磨损机制主要以磨粒磨损为主,随着微动的进行剥落磨损和粘着磨损的作用逐渐明显.

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