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  • 发布时间:2014-03-09
Based on the two-component slip model, the tribology performances of slider bearings with different boundary slip regions were numerically analyzed on the condition of high-speed water lubrication, and corresponding design and optimization were described. The results show that although the slider bearing with a whole boundary slip surface can reduce the friction drag dramatically, it also reduces the load carrying capacity, However, slider bearing with slip/no-slip surface can reduce the friction drag and enhance the loading capacity significantly. When the boundary of the slip and no-slip regions is close to the location at the pressure peak, the loading capacity reaches its maximum. For slip/no-slip surface bearings with small convergence ratio and large length/width ratio, the enhancement of loading carrying capacity and the reduction of friction drag are more significant.运用二元滑移模型,探讨高速水润滑条件下,具有不同边界滑移表面的楔形滑块轴承的摩擦学特性,并对其进行设计与优化。结果表明:具有全滑移表面的楔形滑块轴承,在极大地减小轴承阻力的同时,也降低了承载力;而滑移-非滑移型表面的滑块轴承在减小摩擦阻力的同时,可以有效地提高轴承承载力;当滑移区域与非滑移区域的分界线接近于滑块压力曲线峰值时,轴承承载力达到最大值;对于收敛比较小和长宽比较大的滑块轴承,这种滑移-非滑移相间型表面对承载力的提高作用及对摩擦力减小作用更为显著。
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