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  • 发布时间:2014-03-10


Abstract To introduce steel wire rope' s common failure modes. Mechanism caused by failure can be divided into fatigue, abrasion and corrosion, and fatigue is the main failure mechanism of steel wire rope, during the actual practice, those three mechanisms work together and cause steel wire rope' s broken. The main way to research steel wire rope' s failure mecha- nism is through three ways of fatigue test, statics analysis and dynamics simulation. Multi-dynamics simulation researches on steel wire rope stay in discussing modeling status, to state three ways of building steel wire rope rigid-flexible coupled technology ,rigid-flexible coupled computer assistant software can help rigid-flexible coupled mechanical system to finish simulation analysis well. To discuss the existing problem of steel wire rope failure mechanism and look forward to its devel- opment.介绍钢丝绳常见失效形式。按其引起失效的机制可分为疲劳、磨损和腐蚀,疲劳是钢丝绳主要的失效机制,实际运行过程中这3类机制相互作用,最终引起钢丝绳的断裂。回顾钢丝绳失效机制的研究状况,研究钢丝绳的失效机制主要是通过疲劳试验、静力学分析和动力学仿真3种方法。对钢丝绳的多体动力学仿真研究基本停留在探讨建模阶段,阐述3种建立钢丝绳刚柔耦合模型的方法,刚柔耦合计算机辅助软件能够很好的对刚柔耦合机械系统进行仿真分析。讨论钢丝绳失效机制研究存在的问题并对其发展方向进行展望。

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