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  • 发布时间:2014-03-10


The impact of friction in a cylindrical cup drawing die's molding process is analyzed on the base of ABAQUS,a finite element analysis software.The stress changes in its working parts are obtained through each analysis step.The results show that the female die's fillet radius and the corresponding parts of the female die's face and blank holder is where the greatest impact of friction act on,which are consistent with the theoretical results.For example,the different impacts of friction on the mold from different radius of female die will be analyzed and compared.Using the finite element method can improve the rationality of the design of the mold structure and reduce the impact of friction in the molding process.基于ABABQUS分析了一筒形件拉伸模具成型过程中受摩擦力作用的影响,通过各个分析步得出其工作部件的应力变化情况。结果表明,受摩擦力影响最大的位置分别在凹模圆角半径处,以及凹模端面与压边圈的相应部位处,该结果与理论分析的结果一致,从而验证了用ABAQUS对拉伸模具的摩擦分析进行模拟仿真的可行性。以不同凹模圆角半径为例,分析比较其对模具摩擦所造成的不同影响程度。利用有限元方法可以提高模具结构设计的合理性,降低模具成型过程中摩擦力的影响。

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