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  • 发布时间:2014-03-12
The electromechanical dynamics system of permanent magnetic synchronous linear motor is a multivariable, nonlinear and strong coupling system. It is very hard to theoretical research and practical application. It is effective to solve this pro coupling dynamics system is established by blem by method of counting energy. Model of electromechanical Lagrange -Maxwell equations, which in three phase reference system are turned into differential equations in two phase reference system by C changing. All these can simplify the problem. Motor may run effectively and smoothly by selecting Id = 0 control mode. Solutions of differential equations are obtained by Matlab, through which the electromechanical dynamics model is simulated and analyzed. From the result, the method is correct and reasonable.永磁同步直线伺服电机的机电动力学系统是一个多变量、非线性、强耦合的系统。它的理论研究与实际应用有一定的难度。应用能量的方法来解决此类问题,能达到较好的效果。应用拉格朗日-麦克斯韦方程建立系统的机电动力学模型,通过C变换将三相参考系的拉格朗日-麦克斯韦方程变换到两相参考系下的微分方程,使问题的研究由三相交流绕组变为两相直流绕组而简化。本文选用id=0的控制方式,使电机能有效平稳地运行。利用Matlab求解微分方程,对该系统的动力学模型进行仿真及分析。从仿真结果看,该方法正确、合理。
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