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  • 发布时间:2014-03-14
Design of curriculum system is crucial as well as challenging to accomplish the task of outstanding engineers' training. For flexible design and organization of course module with different function, building up a curriculum system with different value orientation, a setting method of course was put forward based on DSM. By ana/yzing the basic characteristics of the course, using the design structure matrix modeling among course reciprocity, using genetic algorithm to optimize the matrix, and a basis was generated to provide more choices and understanding for course module identification under different requirements. Finally, effectiveness and applicability were validated by its application in identifying the modules of major selective courses.课程体系的设计是成功进行卓越工程师培养必须完成的一项至关重要而又具有挑战性的关键工作。为构建具有不同价值取向的课程体系,提出了一种基于设计结构矩阵的课程设置方法。通过分析课程的基本特征,利用设计结构矩阵建模课程间相互关系,运用遗传算法优化矩阵,从而为课程模块的识别和划分提供基础;结合机械设计制造及其自动化专业的专业选修课组别的划分,验证了有效性和实用性。
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