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  • 发布时间:2014-03-16


To accurately predict the static and dynamic characteristics of a whole large-sized thread grinder,parameters of its joint surface were considered in its FE model.The contact features of the joint surface was simulated with a spring-damping element,and the stiffness and damping of the joint surface was calculated with Yoshimura Method.The FE model of the whole grinder based on the joint surface was established with ANSYS,to find its weak points and study the influence of the joint surface stiffness on the static and dynamic characteristics of the whole grinder.Then the stiffness of the joint surface having more influence was optimized to improve the dynamic characteristics of the whole grinder.The results showed that the static stiffnesses in x,y and z directions increase by 15%,19% and 7%;each modal frequency increases at different levels,and the first modal frequency increases by 10%;the resonant amplitude is reduced about 1/2,and the vibration of the whole grinder is suppressed obviously.为了准确预测和分析大型螺纹磨床整机的静动态特性,建立的机床整机有限元模型应考虑结合面特性参数。采用弹簧阻尼单元模拟结合面的接触特性,应用吉村允孝法确定各主要结合面的刚度阻尼值,使用ANSYS建立基于结合面特性的大型螺纹磨床整机有限元模型,进而进行静动态特性分析找出其薄弱环节,并研究各结合面刚度对整机动态特性的影响,针对影响较大的结合面刚度进行优化,改善了整机的静动态特性。结合面参数优化后,整机x,y,z方向的静刚度分别提高15,19和7,且整机的各阶模态固有频率均有不同程度提高,其中一阶固频提高达10,整机的共振振幅降低了约1/2,原机床的振动得到了很好的抑制。

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