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工程上常对滚子摩擦副的滚子进行端部倒角,倒角参数包括倒角长度与倒角半径。取润滑油为Eyring流体,用多重网格技术研究了此类滚子的弹流润滑性能,研究表明:最小膜厚位置可能出现在修形起始位置和滚子最边缘。当最小膜厚出现在修形起始位置时为正常工作状态;当最小膜厚出现在滚子最边缘时膜厚很薄,即将润滑失效。进而分别讨论了倒角长度和倒角半径对弹流润滑性能的影响,研究表明:应根据工况参数通过弹流计算设计端部倒角参数,以优化滚子的润滑状态和载荷分布,实现全膜润滑。 Rollers are usually crowned on their ends in engineering, and the crowning parameters include crowning length and crowning radius. With the multilevel method and Eyring theological mod- el,the effects of the crowning parameters on the lubrication performances were studied. It is conclu- ded that the minimum filmthickness may locate at either the crowning beginning place or the roller edge. When the minimum filmthickness located at the roller edge, lubrication failure would appear. The effects of the crown length and crown radius on the lubrication performance were studied. It shows that the crowning parameters should be designed according to EHL calculation on the basis of working eonditions to optimize the lubrieation conditions and load distributions and realize full film lu- brication.

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