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  • 发布时间:2014-03-18


凸轮机构在机械传动系统中具有广泛的应用性,而磨损是导致凸轮传动失效的主要原因之一。针对这一现象,针对复杂轮廓外形的分时凸轮机构,在系统可靠性的理论基础上提出了相应的磨损可靠性分析方法。以某型飞机手柄机构的分时传动凸轮为例,考虑到其运动规律根据凸轮轮廓变化的分段相异性,分别计算了其三运动阶段下的磨损失效概率,根据系统可靠性理论得到凸轮整体的磨损失效概率。在此基础上分析凸轮尺寸变量对磨损失效概率的影响,其分析结果可为工程设计提供有益参考。 Cam mechanisms play significant role in motion transmission mechanisms while wear is one of the main reasons that cause failure of cams.Aiming at the phenomenon,we present a discussion on wear reliability of cam mechanism whose configuration is intricate with the capability of time sharing operation.Then the reliability analysis method is raised based on the theory of system reliability.Citing the time sharing cam applied in handle mechanism of a certain kind of plane as an example,wear failure possibility in three movement stages is calculated considering that motion pattern varies with cam configuration in different stages.Then the failure possibility of whole process is obtained in the theory of system reliability.Furthermore,we analyzed the effects cam size on failure possibility,of which results could provide helpful reference in engineering design of cams.

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