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  • 发布时间:2014-03-23
采用AFM尖头探针、球头探针和平头探针对Si-DLC膜进行摩擦实验,研究了薄膜的微观摩擦力学性能,探讨了不同接触尺度下薄膜表面粘附力及摩擦产生的机理,建立了不同探针与薄膜表面粗糙峰的接触模型,推导了表面粘附力与接触面积的关系表达式,表明在微观接触中,接触面积对粘附力起着主导作用。尖头探针与薄膜表面的微观摩擦系数取决于表面粗糙峰的斜率,与粗糙峰的高度相关不大;球头探针与薄膜表面的摩擦力主要取决于单位面积接触粗糙峰密度;平头探针与薄膜表面的摩擦力主要取决于外加载荷,表面形貌的微观尺寸效应可忽略。 In order to study the properties of friction of the Si-DLC film, the frictional experiments were done with sharp probe, spherical probe and flat probe. The mechanism of thin film adhesion and friction under contacts at different scales were studied, in the light of the contact model of probes and membrane surface asperity, the formula for surface adhesion and contacting area were derived which was indicated to play a leading role in the micro-contact. The micro-friction coefficient of tiny probe and film surface depends on the slope of the surface asperity but the height of asperity; contact asperity density per unit area decides probe slide in the film surface, the friction depends on the the friction is negligible. the spherical probe friction of film surface; when the flat applied load and surface morphology of micro-size effect on
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