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2013 4272Jour na l of Academy of Armored Force Engi neer i ngApr . 2013V01.27 NO.2:16721497 2013 020080.04Si 3 N4和 CCr l 5对 巴 氏 合 金 摩 擦 副的 摩 擦 磨 损 性 能 研 究,,,,,100072:UMT3,Si,N。、CCr l 5,X,,si ,N。。:,Si,N。CCr l 5;,Si,N。,CCr l 5;10 N,s i ,N。0.13,15 N0.04;,,10i nm3/ Ni n。Si,N。,。si ,N。,,。:Si ,N。;;:THl l 7.1 :A DO :10.11732/j. i ss n.16721497.2013.02.017St udy on Fr i ct i on and Wear Pr oper t i es of Si 3N4,CCr l 5 and Babbi t Pai r sTAN Xinl i ,WANG Pengxi ao,WU Zhiyuan,TANGXi u- j i an,WANG Long1.Nat i ona l De fe nse Key Labor a t or y for Remanufa ct ur i ng Technol ogy,Academy of Armor ed Force Eng i neer i ng,Bei j i ng 100072,Chi naAbst r a ct: n or der t o pr ovi de a t heor et i c ba se for appl i cat i on of Si 3 N4babbi t as a new t ype of ce r ami cbear i ng,f r i ct i on and wear pr opert i es of pai r s as Si 3N4 and CCr l 5 r espect i vel y wi t h babbi t are cont r as t edon UMT3 wear machi ne.The worn sur f aces are ana l yz ed by means of Scanni ng El ect r oni c Mi cr oscopy SEM and Xr ay Di f f r ac t i onXRD and t he wear mechani sm is di s cuss ed.Resul t s i ndi cat e t ha t t he aver age fr i ct i on coef f i ci ent s and t he wear r at es of Si 3N4babbi t pai r are l ower t han t hose of CCr l 5babbi tpai r under t he s ame l oad.The f r i c t i on coef f i ci ent s of Si 3 N4-babbi t pai r i ncr ease at f i r s t and t he n de cr eas ewi t h t he enhancement of t he l oads.and t he f l uct uat i on r ange i S obvi ousl y l ower t han t hat of CCrl 5- bab.bi t.The l ar gest fr i ct i on coef f i ci ent of Si 3 N4-babbi t pai r i s 0.1 3 under 1 0 N,whi l e t he l east i s 0.04 under15 N.The wear r at es of Si 3N4 are ver y l ow.Whi l e,t he wear r at es of babbi t i ncr ease wi t h t he enhancement of t he l oads i n 10mm3/Nm .The ce r ami c oxi de and t he met al s oxi des exi st on t he worn surf aces i n t he meant ime wi t h t he f unct i on of l ubr i cat i on. n conc l usi on,Si 3 N4-babbi t pai r a s t he ce r ami c sbea r i ng posse sses mor e super i or i t y t han convent i onal bea r i ng.The r ef or e,i t ha s a pr omi si ng appl i cat i onf or egr ound.Key words:Si 3 N4-babbi t;ce rami c bear i ng;f r i ct i on and wear pr oper t i esSi,N。、、、,、、。Si ,N。、:20130108: 51075399; 3132022;:1956,,,。2 ,:Si,N。CCr l 5 81,、、,,,Si ,N。。,、、。,,,、。,。1。Si ,N。Si ,N。,,。Si ,N。、CCr l 5,Si,N。,。1s i ,N。,,,1;CCr l 5,;ZCh-SnSb8- 4,sb、Cu8%、3.2%,sn,0.8 t xm。1Si,N.UNT.3Si ,N。、CCr l 5,3.996 mm,,20 mm10 mm6 mrn。,,,10 Hz0.08 m/s,。3,。5、10、15、20、25、30、40 N,20 r ai n,20。5 r ai n。10W- 40,。0.1 mg,。。 Scanmi ng El ect roni c Mi cr os copy,SEM。、Am- 2 P而 ,。,.2ar ccos 1- 刊 r 2/ 霄 - hi l 22z 2- - - - - - - - 1 丁 - - - - - - -:W。、W:、 mm3/ Nm ;Am g;p g/mi l l 3;F N;S Tl ;L mm;h mm;rmm 。22.1、1Si,N。、CCr l 5,。1:,Si,N。CCr l 5;,2,致;10 N,,s i 3N。0.13,CCr l 50.29;CCr l 520 N,0.05,0.24;Si ,N。15 N,0.04,0.09。1Si ,N。,,,,0。CCr l 5Si,N。,,,82 2710mm3/ Nm。:,。2CCr l 5、si 3N。,。:CCrl 5、s i ,N。,,,10mm3/ Nm;,s i ,N。CCr l 5,21.3810mm3/Nm,0.2310mm3/ Nm。/N23Si、N。。:10 N,50 s,200 s,,700 S,,10 N,,0.08;20N,100 S,0.04,,。3Si,N。2.2410、15、20、40 N,Si ,N。。4a:10 N,,,。4 b:,。4 c:,。4 d:, ,。,,。1㈠:oi .《; 。。o、 1。FXl窿 l 。 霪 爹 窖 鬻 浏 、 ≤ ◇ 。 - 鬻匿塑:芝整酒4SEMSi ,N。:,,致;,,,,致。10 N,,,,。5 N,,5 N,,致,致 。15 N,l- g. j g l/2 ,:Si,N。CCr l 5 83,,EDS:,As n、PbF,,,。4b,,,。,,。,,, ,。52EDS。:,8.75%,Si O:;,,,As l n、PbF,,,。Si ,N。,,Si ,N。CCr l 5P.:../ L; 邑鼎 熙比O 0.。 5 1.。0 l :5 2. 0 2. 。5 310 3:5 4:O 43: Scab 247 cb Cs445S cls key aPspec、C k黜漱漱融,恢 ‰ 客 ~ ‰ . 015 1.0 l :5 210 215 310 315 410 43Sc:akl94ds hs4970C3dkn b5 EDS2 EDS:0,。。,Si ,N。。31Si ,N。。,,。2 si ,N。,,,。3 Si ,N。,,,。: 1 ,. M.:,2006:18. 2 ,,,. J .,2008,19 23:28872890. 3 ,,,. J .,2002,34 2:148151. 4 ,,,.J .,2010 6:7883. 5 Thoma l K,Rohr L,Rehmann H,et a1.Mat er i a l s Fai l ur e Mec ha.ni sms of Hybr i d Bal l Bear i ngs wi t h Si l i con Ni t r i de Bal l s J .Tr ibol ogy nt er nat i onal,2004,379:463471. 6 ,,,. J.,2012,18 9:20162021. 7 ,,,.ZChSnSb8- 8 J.,201l,3l 5:271277. 8 Moazami Goudar zi M,Je naba i Ja hr omi S A。Nazarbol and A. n.ves ti gat i on of Char act er i s t i cs of Ti nbased Whi t e Met al s a s Bear -i ng Mater i al J .Mat er i al s&Desi gn,2009,30 6:22832288. 9 Unl u B S. nves t i gat i on of Tr i bologi eal and Mechani ca l Pr oper t i esof Me t al Be ar i ngs J .Bul l et i n of Mat er i al s Sci ence.2009.32 4 :451457. 10 ,,,.J .,2011,365:3335. 11 ,. J.,1998,8 2 :223227. 12 ,,.Ti ,A N J.,2009,29 6:518525.:

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