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Design and Analyses of a Novel Plane-space Polyhedral RecOnfigurableM etamorphic M echanismWANG Rugui DAI Jiansheng(1.College of Mechanical Engineering,Guangxi University,Nanning 530004;2.Guan gxi Key Laboratory of M anufacturing System & Advan ced M anufacturing Technology。

Nanning 530004;3.KingS Colege,University of London,Strand London WC2R 2LS,UK)Abstract:Taking the octahedron for example,a novel plan-space polyhedral metamorphic mechanism is abstracted based on themetamorphic mechan ism concepts and the edge forming principle of polyhedral packaging carton by making each edges an d eachcomer of the polyhedron equivalent to the links and hinges of the novel mechanism.The mobility conditons of the novel plan -spacepolyhedral metamorphic mechanism are an alyzed,an d the connection and movement relationship between the links of the novelmechanism are analyzed by using the adjacent marx and the screw theory.A novel plan-space polyhedral metamorphic mechanismwim the reconfignrable function is designed based on the reconfigurable theory.The novel mechanism not only cal achieve thestructural transform ation between plane topology an d space topology ,but also can obtain diferent sizes and diferent shapespolyhedron configuration.The novel plan-space polyhedral reconfigurable metamorphic mechanism Cal be used as skeleton oractuator ofmachine an d used in packaging robots,aerospace and other industrial applications。

Key words:Metamorphic mechanism Reconfigurable Polyhedron Screw theory Adjacent matrix0 前言变胞机构是 2O世纪 90年代,英国伦敦大学国· 国家自然科学基(51265003)、教育部科学技术研究重点(212133)、广西自然科学基金(2013GXNSFAA019293)和广西制造系统与先进制造技术重点实验室主任基金(1O-046-07S01-02)资助项目。20120809收到初稿,20130402收到修改稿王学院的 DAI等 在研究折纸式装饰性纸盒和研制自动操作多指手的过程中发现的-类新型机构,这类机构除了具有类似可展式机构的高度可缩和可展性外,还可改变杆件数,改变拓扑图并导致变自由度,具有多功能阶段变化、多拓扑结构变化、多自由度变化等特征,可以根据功能需求或环境等的变化,在运动中改变构态,适应不同任务,灵活应用

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