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The Research of the Pressure--equalizing Groovefor Hydrauhc Slide Valve Based on CFDLUO Yan-lei, U Jian-xing,CHEN Lun-j n,LU Fang(School of Mechanical Engineering,Guizhou University,Guiyang 550025,China)Abstract: In this paper, the mathematical model of the radia1 force that the valve core of the hydraulic slide valve sufered when it iseccentric and pour tapered is built firstly,then three kinds of diferent shapes of pressure-equalizing grooves of hydraulic slide valve coreare introduced, and the flow field between the valve core and the valve cover is simulated with Huent software The final analysis resultsshow that, opening pressure-equalizing grooves in the hydraulic slide valve core will lead to slide valve aperture S leakage a littleincrease,but it can efectively reduce the unbalan ced radial force the valve core sufered,and avoid the valve core clamping stagnation。

Key words:CFD; pressure-equalizing groove; radial force; simulation0 前言目前,液压系统中滑阀阀芯的卡紧现象不仅在换向阀中存在 ,在其他的液压阀中也普遍存在,其中包括液力卡紧和机械卡紧。液力卡紧在高压系统中最为突出,特别是当滑阀的停留时间较长时,因为阀芯受到径基金项目:贵州省重大专项字 (2009)6003,贵州势学基金项目J字201012017收稿 日期 :2012-04-26作者简介 :罗艳蕾(1967-),女。贵州安顺人,教授 ,博士,研究方向为流体传动与控制。

向不平衡力作用和阀孔相接触后。缝隙中存留液体被挤出,阀芯和阀孔间的摩擦系数增大,从而使阀芯重新移动时所需的力增大了许多。以致造成移动滑阀的推力(如电磁铁推力等)不能克服卡紧阻力,使滑阀不能复位。如何减小液压滑阀阀芯受到径向不平衡力而造成的液力卡紧现象 ,是本文研究的主要内容。

1 液压卡紧力的数学计算设液压滑阀阀芯倒锥 ,即阀芯大端为流体高压端 ,阀芯小端为流体低压端,则液压滑阀阀芯卡紧力计算简图,如图 1所示。

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