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In this paper, Nylon6 mechanical mixed copper composite powders with different copper contents were prepared. And then specimens were fabricated by selective laser sintering, the microstructure of the specimens was studied by using SEM meanwhile the process parameters were optimized by orthogonal test. After that the effects of the copper content on mechanical properties of the sintered part were studied. The results show that the interfacial adhesion between nylon and copper powder is strong, and copper powders are dispersed uniformly in the nylon matrix. With the increasing of copper powder content,the bending strength and tensile strength of the sintered part increasing greatly while the impact strength decreasing gradually. When the content of copper powder is 50% ,the tensile strength is 43.28 MPa,bending strength is 77.66 MPa, and hardness is 112 (HRL). The tensile strength, bending strength, hardness of sintered specimen increases 10.04 %, 59.27% and 39.29% than that of pure nylon 6.制备了不同铜粉含量(质量分数)的尼龙6机械混合复合粉末,对复合粉末进行激光烧结,利用扫描电镜对烧结件的形貌进行了表征,通过正交试验优化工艺参数,并研究了铜粉含量对烧结件力学性能的影响。结果表明,铜粉与尼龙表面黏结良好,铜粉均匀分布在尼龙基体中;随着铜粉含量增加,烧结件抗弯强度、抗拉强度显著提高,冲击强度逐渐降低;铜粉含量为50%时,烧结试样抗拉强度为43.28MPa,抗弯强度为77.66MPa,硬度为112HRL,分别比纯尼龙6提高了10.04%、59.27%和39.29%。

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