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  • 发布时间:2014-11-08


1 绪论1
1.1 助力转向系统的分类1
1.2 EPS系统国内外发展研究现状1
1.3 EPS的分类1
1.3.1 转向轴助力式1
1.3.2 转向小齿轮助力式2
1.3.3 转向齿条助力式2
1.4 电动助力转向系统的优点 3
1.5 电动助力转向系统的工作原理3

2 EPS方案设计5
2.1 电动助力转向系统选型5
2.2 机械部分系统方案设计5
2.2.1 机械部分设计要求分析5
2.2.2 机械式转向器方案分析5
2.2.3 齿轮齿条式转向器布置和结构形式的选择7
2.2.4 转向梯形结构方案分析8
2.3 控制部分系统方案设计8
2.3.1 控制部分性能要求分析8
2.3.2 控制部分方案设计10

3 齿轮齿条式转向器设计12
3.1 整车性能参数12
3.2 齿轮齿条式转向器的设计和计算12
3.2.1 齿轮齿条转向器计算载荷的确定12
3.2.2 转向器基本部件设计15
3.2.3 齿轮轴和齿条的材料选择及强度校核21
3.2.4 齿轮齿条转向器转向横拉杆的运动分析24
3.2.5 齿轮齿条传动受力分析25
3.2.6 间隙调整弹簧的设计计算25
3.2.7 齿轮轴轴承的校核27
3.2.8 键的计算28

4 EPS的关键部件和控制策略29
4.1 EPS的关键部件选型29
4.1.1 电动机29
4.1.2 电磁离合器29
4.1.3 减速机构30
4.1.4 扭矩传感器30
4.1.5 电流传感器31
4.2 EPS的电流控制31
4.3 助力控制32
4.4 阻尼控制32
4.5 回正控制33

5 EPS电机驱动电路的设计34
5.1 微控制器的选择34
5.2 硬件电路总体框架34
5.3 电机控制电路设计35
5.3.1 H桥上侧桥臂MOSFET功率管驱动电路设计35
5.3.2 桥臂的功率MOSFET管驱动电路36
5.4 蓄电池倍压工作电源37
5.5 电机驱动电路台架试验37

6 结论39

摘 要
电动助力转向 (Electric Power Steering,简称EPS)系统,是继液压助力转向系统后出现的-种新型动力转向系统,具有液压助力转向系统无法比拟的优势,它不仅能节约能源,提高安全性,还有利于环境保护,是-项紧扣现代汽车发展主题的高新技术,是汽车转向系统发展的必然趋势。
电动助力转向系统(EPS) 可解决小型汽车转向轻便性和灵敏性的矛盾, 使驾驶员在汽车低速行驶时获得较大助力, 高速行驶时获得较强的路感。由ECU根据转向盘转矩信号控制电动机离合器, 使电动机在不需要助力时停止工作, 降低了能量消耗,该系统能满足不同车速下获得不同助力特性的要求。

Electric Power Steering(EPS)System is a new type steering system, which can save energy, improve vehicle safety, and benefit environment protection. Its a new-high-tech that follows modern vehicle development topic closely. EPS is much superior to hydraulic power steering system. It will be the inevitable developing direction for automobile power steering.
The electric power steering (EPS) system can solve the contradiction between steering handiness and delicacy that exists in small type of cars. It enable the driver to obtain stronger road sense when drive in high speed and bigger assist when drive in slow speed. According to by ECU to dish torque signal control motor clutch, make the motor when in need not stop working, reduce boost of energy consumption, this system can satisfy different speeds get different dynamical characteristics requirement.
The thesis is for the design of auto electric power steering. First, it discussed development history, EPS development present situation, the principle, and the structure. Then determine rack and pinion type steering with design. Design and calculate steering gear and rack, and test rack and pinion gear surface contact strength and tooth root bending strength.Finally, maked the pinion and rack and assembly drawing by using AUTOCAD software.
Keywords: automobile,EPS, steering gear, rack and pinion,calculate

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