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Design of Fault Diagnosis System for Construction M achinery Based on Expert InferenceLIU Xue.yong .XU Xiao-dong(1.Jiangnan Institute of Computation Technique,Wuxi 214083 China;2.Military Representative Ofice of Engineering Corps of General Armament Department,Beijing 100850,China)Abstract:In order to solve the problem of rapid field failure analysis and diagnosis for new-type construction machinery,the expe-based fault diagnosis system is developed.The system consists of hardware and software platforms.Its functions include two Darts:maintenance decision and repair guide as wel as maintenance teaching and training.The hardware is mainly composed of personalcomputer.Whereas the software is made up of the PDA module used for information detection,fault diagnostic expemodule,main-tenance selection and concept module.training and teaching module.aiding module and printing& output module.The developmentof the system can greatly improve the fault diagnosis and maintenance ability。

key words:construction machinery;fault diagnosis;database;exped inference现代工程机械的智能化、电子化的程度相对较高,涉及到机、电、液和气-体化等多学科交叉技术,其各个组成部分,如机械传动系统、液压系统、工作装置、回转机构等的工作原理和结构组成都比较复杂,出现故障后的检测与维修难度大,给工程兵部队的使用、维护、保养和故障带来很大的不便。这些装备在使用过程中的拆装、调试、检测和维修的技术资料储备,维修技术力量的培训,维修设备和手段的更新等,严重滞后于部队的实际需求。根据部队平时使用、训练过程中有关这三种新型工程机械故障排除与维修的统计资料显示,作业与保障分队各种类型工程装备的突发随机故障有很多,而各分队在进行故障分析、排除和对结构原理的掌握等方面具有明显的不足,严重地影响了对这些设备的快速 日常维护、保养和故障检测及排除,因而必须更多地借助生产厂

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