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20132784Journal of Academy of Armored Force Engi neer i ngAug. 2013V01.27 NO.4:16721497 2013 04- 009105超 声 作 用 下 摩 擦 频 率 及 载 荷 对 GCr l 5/ 45钢摩 擦 副 摩 擦 学 性 能 的 影 响12,1, , 1.,100072;2.,100072:,、GCr l 5/45,。:GCr l 5/45,45、、、。,45,。:;;:THl l 7.1 :A DO:10.11732/j .i s sn.16721497.2013.04.019Eff ect of Fr i ct i on Fr equency and Load on Tr i bol ogi calPerf or mance of GCr l 5/45 St ee l under Ul t r asoni c Vi br a t i onQAOYul i nl ”,CU Qi ngs hen91,ZANG Yanl,YANG Shan l i nl 1.Na t i ona l De fe nse Key Labor a t or y for Remanufa ct ur i ng Technol ogy,Academy of Armored Force Engi nee r i ng,Be i j i ng 100072,Chi na;2.Na t i onal Engi neer i ng Re sea rc h Cent er f or Mechani ca l Pr oduct Remanuf act ur i ng,Academy of Armored Force Engi ne er i ng,Bei j i ng 100072,Chi naAbst r act :The ant i f r i c t i on and wear r es i s tance behavi or of GCr l 5/45 s t eel fr i ct i onal pai r s are s t udi e d ander di f f erent f r i c t i on f r e quenci es and l oads wi t h or wi t hout ul t r as oni c vi br at i on.The ul t r as oni c l ubr i cat i onmechani smunder t he condi t i on of l ubr i cat i on i S al s o di scussed.The r es ul t s show t hat.ul t r asoni c vi br at i oncan i mpr ove t he ant i f r i c t i on and wear r es i s tance pr opert i es of GCr l 5/45,and on t he 45 st eel sur f ace,i tmakes t he wear scar na r row,t he wear s car dept h de cr ea se,t he quant i t y of gr ooves i n t he sur f ace r educe,and t he degr e e of abr as i ve wear i ng abat e.Though t he ul t r as oni c vi br at i on does not change fr i ct i on andwear mechani sm.i t can r educe t he nor mal pr ess on 45 s t ee l sur f ace and avoi d second abr as i ve wear i ngbet ween t he wear debr i s,whi ch can i mpr ove t he t ri bol ogi cal per formance bet ween t he f ri c t i on pai r s.Key wor ds:ul t r a soni c vi br at i on;l ubr i cat i on mechani sm;ant i f r i c t i on and wear r es i st ance,,,,。,J。,,、、,,。1:至1/301/10。Kumar:2013.0528: 5105397; 3122031: 1965 ,,,。92 27:,,。":,5m,;,,。。91,:40 r/mi n,30%。:,2 Hz、40 N,GCr l 5/4510%49%。,。,,GCr l 5/45,。11.16 mmGCr l 5,770 HV;25.46 mm45,210 HV;,。1.2MFTR4000。,,,,耦。:,10 mi n,10 mm,36 kHz,20 mL。1、2、4、5 Hz,5、10、15、20 N,砝。,455 mi n,,KEYENCE VK9700K,Quant a200 SEMNovaNanoSEM650。22.1 GCr l S/451,、。:,。,,1 Hz2 Hz,22%24%;4 Hz5 Hz,10%5%。,,。1 ,、 10 N4 ,:GCr l 5/45 932,、45。:、,,45;,452 ,、4510 N。1、2、4、5 Hz,29%、32%、16%、15%。,,GCr l 5/45,2 Hz。,,㈨。3,GCr l 5/45。:,GCr l 5/45,18%22%。4,、45。:3 ,GCr l 5/45/N4,、45、,,45。2.2510 N,,、45。:、,,;,,2 Hz,, ,5 c,,,94 27mt mr ol l◆-,、。,: 菸。r , ,-l 5 t l z,,oLh5 i i z,5 ,、45 10N,,,5 d。,,、,,。61 Hz,,、45。:、,;,,,,10 N,,GCr l 545,,GCr l 545,,,,6 C,,,伊 l 引r 20 N.J i f 20 N,6,、45 1 - z,,6 d。2.37,。,,。GCr l 5/45,45u.GCl 5,St r i beck,、,。,l,:45,45,,。GCr l 5,45,。74 ,:GCr l 5/45 95GCr l 5,致45,。,2。,,,。:. M.:,1982:16.. M.:,1997:58.,,,. J.,2006,362:8890.,,,.J .,2001,266 :497502.,,,. 6 7 8 910 J.,2010,302 :168173..J .,1986 5:2429.Kuma r VC,Hut chi ngs M.Reduc t i on of t he Sl i di n g Fr i cti on ofMet al s by t he Appl i cat i on of Longi t u di nal or Tra nsver se Ul t r asoni cVi b r at i on J.Tr i bo l ogy nt er nat i onal,2004 37:833840.,,,. J .,2004,15 9 :813815.,,,.J .,2010,302:168173.,,,.GCrl 5/45 J .,201l ,24 4:4346.,,,. J .,2012,374:69.:592:Ri f e,;。,Ri f eFFT,。,2FFT,ML,,ML。5Ri f e,FFT。:,CRLB;、,,。: 1 ,.F J,2010,2310:7981.Abat z ogl ou T J.A Fas t Maxi mumLi kel i hood Al gor i t hm f or t heFrequency Est i mat i on of a Si nu soi d Bas ed on Newt on Met hods J . EEE Tr ansa ct i ons on Ac ouat i cs,Speech and Si gnal Pr o-ce edi ngs,1985,33 1:7789.,,. J .,2009,242:208211.,,.FRi f e J .,2010,32 4:4853.,. J .,2007,81:5963.,,. J .,2009,314 :365369..FFTRi f e J.,2009,25 6:10021004.,. J .:,2012,46 2:4044.,.FFT J .,2004,32 4 :625629..FFvr J .,2003,181 :711.. D.:。2007.:1 Jj12345;1J1Jii23456789mr LrLii

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