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Cl eani ng Wor l d291201 31:16718909 2013 1- 002904自 激 振 荡 脉 冲 清 洗 射 流 研 究 及 应 用 现 状1,1,2 1.,710086 2.,150086:。,,,。:;;:THl 37 :AResear ch and appl i cat i on s i t uat i on of t he se r f - exc i t ed os ci l l at i on cl eani ng j e tYANG Ji a l i nl,ZHOULi kunl ,FENG Yanhui 21.Engi neer i ng Uni ver s i t y of CAPF,Xi an,Shaanxi 710086,Chi na;2.The Depar t ment f orOi l Tr anspor t at i on of Hei l ongj i ang Di vi s i on of CAPF,Haer bi n,He i l ongj i ang 150086,Chi naAbst ract :The devel opment of t he Se r fexc i t ed osci l l a t i on pul sed j e t i s t he pr ogr ess of a t heor et i calr esea r ch and exper i ment a l r esear ch.Fi r s t l y,i t s ummar i zes t he domest i c and f or ei gn r el at ed sel fex-ci t ed pul se j e t t heor y r esea r ch and exper i ment a l r es ear ch pr es ent si t uat i on,a nd t he n mai nl y i nt r oduces t he pr es ent s i t uat i on of t he appl i cat i on of i t ,especi al l y i n t he t ank des i hi ng appl i c at i ons,andf i nal l y pr edi c t t he next s t ep f or t he r esea r ch di r ect i on andpl i cat i on f i el d.Key wor ds:cl eani ng;pul se j et ;s el fexci t ed os ci l l at i on,,,,, 1- 2 o、、。,,,。1。,。,,,。2070,:20121018: 1986,,,, 。30 1,,。 FConnV EJohnsonJ,Rockwel l Naudasche r、。 4 ,1958Rockwel l Ki ns el y,,,,,,,。MGeveci 51PV、、,。 6,1983Chahi ne,,致,,。1.1.2,,2080,。80,。 7,1986,,。 8,,、,。91,SMPLE, ,,。,,,,、,。 11,,,,。,,,,。,,:,;,,,,,;,,;,,,,,;,,、。1.2, 12 29 .,,,Hel mhol t z。3,SDl 50,,。:,耦,,;3,。2,、、,。,,、。。,。2,,。:1,;2,,,、;3,,。,,,M。3,、、、。、,。,。 1,、、、。 2,,。,,。,,,,。 3,。 4,,,。,,。1,. J .,1998,20 3 119.2,. J .:,2002,25 2:2427. 3 .D.:,1992. 4 Ki ng J L,Doyl e P,Ogl e J B. nst abi l i t y i n sl ot t ed wal l32 1t un2nel s J.Fl uid Mech,1958,14:283305. 5MGeveci ,P Oshka,DRockwel l,e t aL Pol l ack i magi ng of thes el fexc i t ed osc i l l at i on of f l ow pas t a ca vi t y dur i ng genera-t i on of a f l ow t one J .J our na l of Fl ui ds and St ruc -t ure s.2003,18:665694. 6 . J.:,2005. 7 ,. J .,1989,3 1:90100.8,,. J .,2009,2:711. 9,,. J .:,2006,364:1625. 10,,,. J1.,2000,25 6:641644.11 ,. J .,1993,14 1:124130. 12,. J .,2007,21 4:6064.24622528313153272941012418204242699111022241119212013201320132013SSA/ NTERCLEAN2013/20131 1201336932124 413 CCE 41820 51315 201351517 2013、813 201388101159 20131224 2013121214

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