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Dual Layers Pre-stressed Six-axis Force Sensor and Its Static CalibrationWANG Zhijun YAO Jiantao 、7 Yao YE Dong ZHAO Yongsheng(Colege of Mechanical Engineering,Yanshan University,Qinhuangdao 066004)Abstract: According to the deficiency ofperformance ofthe traditional six-axis force sensor based on Stewart platform structure ondecoupling an d stifness,a pre-stressed six-axis force sensor with dual layers is designed an d developed,and the static calibration ofthe sensor is caried out.The proposed six-axis force sensor uses cone-socket type spherical joint instead of the traditional one,whichreduces the friction torque of spherical pair efectively and eliminates the commutation impact force for the measuring lim bscompressedalthetime,SOthe overall stifnessisimproved.Basedon screw theory,themappingoftheapplied externalforceandtheaxial force ofmeasuring limbs ofthe sensor is derived,and then the measuring principle ofthe pre-stressed six-axis force sensor isdescribed.Analysis of static decoupling and measurement eror of the sensor is conducted by using lmear least squares calibrationmethod,an d the calibration matrix and error matrix are deduced.Th e prototype of the dual layers pre-stressed six-axis force sensorwas manufactured an d the static calibration is perform ed.Th e experimental result shows that the maximum nonlinearity error in allthe directions ofthe sensor prototype is less than 1.17%,and the maxim um interference eror is less than 1.82%,which indicates thatthe developed six-axis force/torque sensor possesses high measement accuracy,and Can be used for the industrial production whichrequires higher six-axis force measurement。

Key words:Six·-axis force sensor Pre·-stressed Dual layers Spherical joint Static calibration0 前言六维力传感器以其能够感知外力和力矩的全部信息而成为非常重要的-类传感器,在航空航天、国家自然科学基金(50975245)和河北省自然科学基金(E2011203184)资助项目。20120309收到初稿,20121011收到修改稿机械加工、汽车制造、智能化机器人等领域具有重要的应用价值,其应用已涵盖国防科技和民用工业的各个领域1刁。因此,高精度、高灵敏度且能够适应-定环境的六维力传感器十分急需并具有非常广阔的应用前景。

经典的 Stewart平台机构上下平台均为六角形,再由6个移动分支两端通过球面副与六角形的各项2013年 2月 王志军等:双层预紧式六维力传感器及其静态标定 29gZ丁2×·R量ZT呈×loo0- 50- 100 -50 0 5O 100/N图8 加载z方向力时各维输出值100 -50 O 5O 1OOM,/(x!o- N·m、图9 加载x方向力矩时各维输出值100 -50 O 5O 1OOMz/(XlO-1N·m图 10 加载z方向力矩时各维输出值由式(12),求得传感器的误差矩阵E 0.005 8 0.003 1 0.010 7 0.003 0 0.012 9 0.003 90.001 0 0.005 8 0.002 7 0.002 6 0.007 5 0.005 50.003 9 0.004 4 0.005 0 0.004 6 0.005 9 0.010 90.002 7 0.018 2 0.010 4 0.008 1 0.012 3 0.006 10.006 5 0.006 8 0.007 5 0.008 4 0.007 8 0.005 60.O15 8 0.001 9 0.006 6 0.004 6 0.003 5 0.011 7由误差矩阵可知,该传感器最大非线性误差为满量程的 1.17%;维间最大耦合误差为满量程的1.82%。静态标定试验结果表明,所研制的双层预紧式六维力传感器具有很高的测量精度,可用于工业生产中对六维力测量要求较高的诚。

5 结论(1)研制了-种双层预紧式六维力传感器,该传感器具有结构紧凑、耦合低、刚度大、精度高等优点,可用于工业生产中对六维力测量要求较高的诚。




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