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  • 发布时间:2014-03-09


Lightweight is one of the important targets of howitzer structure design. A backtrail-soil FEM model is built to analyze the strength of the light howitzer backtrail. Based on the analysis above, a lumped parameter FEM model which replaces soil with the spring connector is built for the structure optimization. The improved non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm ( NSGA- g ) is used for the multi-objective optimization of the backtrail maximum stress and mass to achieve the Pareto solution set of the baoktrail maximum stress and mass. The result is of the quiding significance in the design of howitzer backtrails. This optimization method also gives a reference to the optimization of the thin-walled structures.轻量化是火炮结构设计的重要方向之一。建立了某轻型火炮后大架一土壤有限元模型,分析了其强度。在上述分析结果基础上用弹簧连接器替代土壤建立了用于优化的后大架集中参数有限元模型,采用改进的非支配排序遗传算法(NSGA―Ⅱ)对后大架的最大应力和质量进行了多目标优化。获得了后大架质量与最大应力的Pareto最优解集,对火炮后大架结构设计有指导意义。该优化方法也为薄壁焊接结构的优化设计提供参考。

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