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  • 发布时间:2014-03-15


Proposed in this paper is an improved method of error modeling and kinematic calibration for a special 3-DOF planar parallel alignment platform for screen printing.In the investigation,first,based on the characteristics of planar alignment mechanisms,the mapping relationship between the errors of position and orientation and the errors of geometric parameters is derived by using the vector method and the analytical method.Next,the Jacobin error matrix is obtained.Then,the influences of all geometric error sources of the mechanism on the terminal pose errors are estimated via the sensitivity analysis.Moreover,the main error sources of geometric parameters to be calibrated are determined through an identification analysis,and several configurations are selected to construct a matrix for the error identification of geometric parameters through Matlab simulation,with a difference between the identified and the assumed values,which is less than 5%,being obtained.Finally,a calibration experiment is carried out by using a dual-frequency laser interferometer and a dial indicator,and the results verify the effectiveness and practicability of the proposed calibration method.针对一种特殊的用于丝网印刷的平面三自由度并联对位平台,提出了一种改进的误差建模和运动学标定方法.首先,利用平面对位机构的特点,结合矢量法和解析法,构造出动平台位置、姿态误差与几何误差之间的映射关系,得到了误差雅克比矩阵.然后,通过灵敏度分析,评估了各个几何误差源对终端位姿误差的影响.接着,通过辨识性分析,确定了标定几何误差源,随机选取多个位形建立误差辨识矩阵来对几何参数误差进行辨识.Matlab仿真结果显示,辨识值与设定值间的误差小于5最后,利用双频激光干涉仪、千分表等测量工具进行运动学标定实验,结果初步验证了标定方法的有效性和实用性.

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