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372 V01.37 No.2至Q! ! !!!! ! ! ! ! !! :Q!'/ 棱 锥 式 并 联 机 器 人 结 构 设 计 与 性 能 分 析 ,(,210094):,。、。。。。,55。,;,。:;;;:THl 2 :10059830( 2013) 02025705St r uct ur e desi gn and per f ormance anal ys i s of s i x- pyrami dpar al l el r obotLi u Wei ,Chang Si qi n( School of Mechani cal Engi neer i ng,NUST,Nanj i ng 2 10094,Chi na)Abs t r ac t:A s ix-pyrami d par a l l el r obot for t he l ar ge angl e i n t he cr os s-c ount r y r oad s i mul at i on i sdes i gned.I t s s t r uct ur e,degr ee of f r eedom and worki ng pr i nci pl e are anal yzed.The ki nema t i cs modeland t he dynami cs model ar e r espect i vel y es t abl i shed by t he geome t r i c and t he Lagr ange met hod.Exampl es pr esent t he wor ks pace of t he r obot and t he r el at i ons hip bet ween t he mot or pos i t i on and t hedr i vi ng f or ce wi t h t he l oad pl at f or m mot i on.Apr ot ot ype i s f abr i cated and i t s t ransl a t i onal and r ot at i onalpe r f ormance ar e t est ed.The exper i ment al r es ul t s s how t hat t he max angl e of t he pr ot ot ype i s 550 andt he pr ot ot ype ca l l meet t he r equi r eme nt s of t he l ar ge angl e condi t i on si mul at i on.The act ualpe r f or manc e i s coi nci di ng wi t h s i mul at i on r es ul t s,ver i f yi ng t ha t t he des i gn i s f eas i bl e and t hes i mul at i on i S cor r ect.Key wor ds :par al l el r obot s;s i xpyr amid s t r uct ur e;ki nemat i cs;dynami c s:201l1027 :20120605:(BE2008133):( 1986),,,:、,,E-mai l :s i n905151###163.cor n;:( 1954),,,,:、,E.mai l:changsq###nj ust.edu.cn。:,.[ J].,2013,37(2) :257261.:ht t p://nj l gdxxb.paper onc e.or g258 372,、、,,。,,、。[ 1]St ewar t ,3,3,,;[ 2]HexFl ex,。6PTSJ,。4 J,。4K&C5 J,。,300。,。,。。11.1、。:、。,;、;71、,。St ewar t ,,,、。,,,,。 ,St ewar t,;Hexagl i de,,,、。,,,。,,St ewar t ;,Hexagl i de。1.21。1,6,;;6。16、6,13;6、66,18;3,4,5,Gr ubl er 1nf o6mZ ( 1);m;nZ。6,633。,St ewar t ,,Hexagl i de189 259,,。22.1,。2。D222:(1),0xyz,6,z,。( 2)07xyz,,。Ai6,。,[ Di ,D,i 16,3,,,,,,,3a,,7,P[Xp,) ,。,z。,,,7]。2.2,。P,A.Dxyz。。( i 16)ai [ r eoso"i,r s i mr i ,0] 1 (2):r,i DAiz,。Aiai1%] r ol lAI - l l Rl nl (3)l A。J-zehJ . Ⅱ。j:hD0;R,Bi[ o,l Di D,iODi。,( A讧) 2( A。,- B。,) 2(A。- B)22O ( 4):L。( 4)F(B。) 0,Bi,6,。2.3:、(1):0≤。≤I D;D:I,i 16;( 2):0i ar cos[ ( ni B。) /IBi I ] ≤i。。,i 16。i ;。i;( 3):,dd,≥d。,(,Y,z),6,。2.4:r80 mm;280 mm;fD90 mm;30。;45。。P( 5)6,63P5s i n( f )5s i n(2t )3s in0.0436si n( t )0.0436si n( 2t )7//o.0872si n( t ),,4。4( a ),,3 3720:[100,100]mm;),[ 80,80]mm;[ - 50,40]mm。z030 mm,,,;z50 mm,。4( b),:d E[40,40]o;/3[ -40,40] 。;Y[50,50] o,,,30。。《ft s(b)463( a)( b)433.1,、,。KEKP,、6;6。,P,. 1 . .j KE5尹 Ⅵ ( P)P ( 6)KP:F(P),卿 廊 等r ( 7):r [,,r 3,r 4,r 5,r6] T6。[ 9],。3.20.6kg,O.25 kg,( 5),,5。11t b( a) 13f /s(b)465,,、,。。4,6。:( 1)189 261:;( 2):,、;( 3):12 cm,3 m/s,20m;( 4);( 5):。6,6。,,1。1/mm/( o)1,,,。St ewar t ,,。。5,;z30 mm,,。,10099 mm,38。-38。;y78- 79 r a i n,39。390;z4840 mm;48。49。。:[ 1] Rekdal sbakken W.Desgi n andpl i caf i on of a mot i onpl at f or mf or a hi s h- s peed cr af t s i mul at or[ A].IEEE I n-t ema t i ona l Conf er ence on Mechat r oni cs [ C].Budapes t ,Hungar y:I EEE,2006:38- 43.[ 2] Cul pepper ML,Shi hchi C.Desi gn of a s i x- axi s mi cro.sca l e nanope si t one ruHexFl ex[A] .Pr ec i s i on Engi ne er i ng[ C].Mar yl and,USA:Amer i can I ns t i t ut e of Physi cs.2004:469482.[ 3] ,.6-P1' s[ J ].,2000,24( 2):131134.Chen Anmi ng,Qi an Xuej un.Ki nemat i c ana l ys i s f or avi r t ual axi s machi ne t ool s bas ed on 6PTS par al l elmechani sm[ J].Journa l of Nanj i ng Uni vers i t y ofSci ence and Technol ogy,2000,24( 2):131- 134.[ 4] ,,.[ J].,2010,34(3):352355.Peng Binbin,Zeng Liangbi n,Sun Yu.Kinemat i cs ands t at i cs per f or mances anal ysi s of nove l par al l el hydr aul i cpress [J ].J ournal of Nanj i ng Uni vers i t y of Sci ence andTechnol ogy,2010,34( 3):352- 355.[ 5] .K&C[ D].:,2008.[ 6],,.、[ J ].,2010,46(9):l 11.Yang Ti ngl i,Li u Ani n,Luo Yuf eng.Bas i c pr i nci pl es。main char act er i st i cs and devel opment t endency ofmet hods f or r obot mechani s m st ruct ure synt hesi s[ J].Journal of Mechani cal Engi neer i ng,2010,46(9):111.[ 7] ,.[ P].:CN200710132009,20100714.[ 8]Mur r ay R M,Li Z X,Sast ry S S.A mat hemat i cali nt roduc t i on t o r obo t i c mani pul at i on[M].Fl or ida,USA:CRC Pr ess,1994.[9] Li u Wei ,Chang Si qi n.Model i ng and si mul at i on f or anove l 6- DOF par al l el mani pulat or [A].Pr oceedi ngs oft he 2nd Int er na t i onal Conf er ence on Model ing andSi mul at i on[ c].Manche st er,UK:Wor l d Academi cPr ess ,2009:45l456.

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