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  • 发布时间:2014-03-16
2RPU-2SPS type parallel mechanism is an asymmetrical structure composed of RPU branched chain and SPS branched chain, and has a kinetic characteristic of two-dimension translations and two-rotation. Based on kinetic characteristic of the 2RPU-2SPS parallel mechanism, 2RPU-2SPS flexible parallel mechanism is designed by using a substitution method. With ANSYS software, the 2RPU-2SPS flexible parallel mechanism and whole compliant parallel manipulator modeling are built, and the topology optimization of 2RPU-2SPS whole compliant parallel manipulator is carried out. Then the new type 2RPU-2SPS whole compliant parallel manipulator which has whole complaint characteristics is designed. The contrastive results show as following: the stiffness of the whole compliant chain is bigger than the flexible chain's, and the design method provides theoretical basis for an integral design of spatial whole compliant parallel manipulator.2RPU-2SPS型并联机构由RPU支链和SPS支链组成的非对称结构,具有2转动2平移运动特性的并联机构.文中基于2RPU-2SPS并联机构的运动特性,采用替换法设计出与之对应的柔性并联机构.应用ANSYS软件建立2RPU-2SPS型柔性并联机构、全柔顺并联机构的支链模型,并对全柔顺并联机构的支链进行拓扑优化,进而设计出具有全柔顺特性的新型的2RPU-2SPS型空间全柔顺并联机构.实验仿真对比结果表明:全柔顺支链在整体刚度性能方面优于柔性并联机构支链,该设计方法为全柔顺并联机构整体设计提供了理论依据.
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