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  • 发布时间:2014-03-22
利用有限差分方法编写一套可以用于分析动静压气体轴承性能的计算程序,并通过已有算例和试验验证本程序计算结果的可靠性。对不同润滑介质下静压轴颈轴承气体消耗量进行研究发现,不同分子量润滑介质下气体消耗量随偏心率变化表现出不同的变化规律,小分子润滑介质下气体消耗量与偏心率成正比,而大分子润滑介质下气体消耗量与偏心率成反比,并且此规律与节流小孔类型无关,小孔节流轴颈轴承气体消耗量大于环面节流类型轴颈轴承。相同供气压力和偏心率情况下,小分子润滑介质小孔节流轴颈轴承承载能力比环面节流类型轴承承载能力小,大分子润滑介质下正好相反。本程序方法为后来对俄罗斯油―气混合低温氦透平膨胀机气体轴承端改造奠定了理论基础。 Based on finite difference method,an analytical program for the calculus of bearing's performance are developed,which can be used for hybrid gas bearing.The reliability of the results is validated by a classical case and the experiments.The change regularity of gas consumption in relation to eccentricity ratio for externally pressurized gas journal bearing under different molecule working gas is studied.The gas consumption is directly proportional to eccentricity ratio for small molecule working gas,on the contrary for large molecule working gas,and this basic law has nothing to do with the restrictor type.The gas consumption is generally larger in the case of a gas bearing with orifice restrictor as compared to gas bearing with inherent compensated restrictor.In the same supply pressure and eccentricity ratio,for small molecule working gas,the load of journal bearing with orifice restrictor is smaller than journal bearing with inherent compensated restrictor,while the bearing loads for large molecule working gas show a reverse trend.This research is a fundamental stage for the further improvement of gas bearing end in Russian oil-gas hybrid cryogenic helium turbo-expander.
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