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  • 发布时间:2017-03-10


搬运机械手的设计 本文简要地介绍了工业机器人的概念,机械手的组成和分类,机械手的自由度和座标型式,气动技术的特点,PLC控制的特点及国内外的发展状况。
设计出了机械手的气动系统,绘制了机械手气压系统工作原理图。利用可编 程序控制器对机械手进行控制,选取了合适的PLC型号,根据机械手的工作流程制定了可编程序控制器的控制方案,画出了机械手的工作时序图和梯形图,并编制了可编程序控制器的控制程序。

Design on the Currency Pneumatic Loading
and Unloading Manipulator


At first,the paper introduces the conception of the industrial robot and the elertary information of the development briefly. Whats more,the paper accounts for background and the primary mission of thetopic.

The paper introduces the function,composing and classification of the manipulator,tells out the free-degree and the form of coordinate.At the same time,the paper gives out the primary specification parameter of this manipulator.

This paper designs the structure of the hand and the equipment of the drive of the manipulator,and analyzes the error of the orientation of the fingers.

The paper designs the structure of the wrist,computes the needed
moment of the drive when the wrist wheels and the moment of the drive of the pump.

The paper designs the structure of the arm,and designs the hydraulic pressure buffer when the manipulators arm flexes,ascend,descend and wheels .
The paper designs the system of air pressured rive and draws the work principle chair.

The manipulator uses PLC to control.The paper institutes two controls chemes of PLC acordine to the work flow of the manipulator.The paper draws out the work time sequence chart and the trapezia chart.Whats more,the paper work out the control program of the PLC.

KEY WORDS industrial robot, manipulator, pump, air pressure drive, PLC

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