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Leaf spring dynamics modeling and analysis onmodeling parametersJI Peng,QI Meng-meng(Department of Mechanica!Engineering and Electronics,Hebei University of Engineering,Hebei Handan 056038,China)Abstract:Leaf spring multi-body dynamics model was established by using discrete BEAM methodsimplified by equivalent neutral surface,the results of simulation analysis of the model were comparedwith the experimental results.The modeling parameters of the leaf spring assembly characteristics onvehicle performance were analyzed by implanting the model to suspension system and vehicle mode1。

The results indicate that the discrete BEAM method to establish the leaf spring model is able to simu-late the actual characteristic of leaf spring.The vehicle with oversteer or excessive understeer charac-teristics can obtain the desired understeer degree by lowering or raising the eyehook position。

Key words:leaf spring;modeling ;eyehook ;simulation ;analyse钢板弹簧是商用车悬架中应用最广泛的-种弹性元件,同时兼具弹性元件、减振元件和导向机构的功用,所以正确合理的建立钢板弹簧模型对研究车辆的操纵稳定性和乘坐舒适性有着至关重要的影响 。

钢板弹簧动力学模型的建立比较困难,为了旧能体现钢板弹簧的非线性特点,目前常采用有限元模态法、SAE三连杆法和离散 Beam单元法三种方法 j。其中,离散 Beam单元法因为可以用等效中性面法简化以减少模型的自由度提高仿真速度,并且同时适用于悬架特性分析及整车动力学仿真分析而得到广泛应用 。本文针对目标车辆,在综合考虑建模精度、计算强度及整车动力学仿真分析的情况下,选择用等效中性面简化的离散 BEAM单元法建立钢板弹簧动力学模型。

1钢板弹簧动力学模型建立本文中目标车辆为某皮卡,采用渐变刚度钢板弹簧非独立后悬架。钢板弹簧的结构特点和现有数据如表 1所示。

本文选择用等效中性面简化的离散 BEAM单元法建立钢板弹簧动力学模型。首先在 ADAMS/CHASSIS中利用 Leaf Spring工具箱建立钢板弹簧模型,再将其导入 ADAMS/CAR中;建模步骤及CHASSIS中参数的设置

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