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Simulation and Experiment Research on the Second Order Oil-filmInstability Fault in a Rotor SystemMA Hui LI Hui ZHANG Suyan W EN Bangchun(School of Mechanical Engineering and Automation,Northeastern University,Shenyang 1 1 08 1 9)Abstract:Aiming at the oil-film instability problem of the sliding bearing at a high speed,a single span rotor system with two discsis studied.Considering the gyroscopic coupling effect,a lumped mass model of the rotor system is established where the left and thefight bearings are simulated by a spring-damping model and a no-linear oil-film force model of the short bearing,respectively。

Considering the eccentricities of tw o discs in opposite phases,the oil-film instability rule and the complicated nonlinear dynamiccharacteristics of the rotor system are analyzed by the rotor orbit,time domain waveform,am plitude spectrum and spectrum cascade。

Experiments areperformedbyusing atest rigtoverity the simulation results.Theoreticalanalysis and experimental results al showthat the first two oil whip will Occur simultaneously at higher rotating speeds,oil-film instability Can excite the complicatedcombination frequency components of the first and second oil-whip frequencies and the energy Can be transformed betw een the firstoilwhip andthe secondone。

Key words:Rotor system Oil-film instability Dynami c characteristic Combination frequency0 前言近年来旋转机械的-个显著特征是向高转速和轻结构的柔性转子方向发展,柔性转子在提高性能的同时也可能会导致严重的失稳问题,其中轴承非线性油膜力引起的转子失稳则是较为突出的问题。油膜失稳不仅会导致高速旋转机械产生故障,有时也会导致轴承甚至整个机组的破坏,因而研究油膜失稳故障对实现柔性转子系统的状态监测具有重要意义。


FAN等3采用电磁执行结构来提高转子系统发生油膜和干摩擦振荡的稳定性,提供了减少油膜和干摩擦共存的判据。RHO等4J为了减小油膜失稳,对控制方法做了-些研究,发现通过径向轴承的同步控制能在很大程度上提高系统稳定的极限值。DECASTRO等[5采用 Capone短轴承非线性油膜力模型,基于有限元法分析了不平衡量、转子布置形式(卧式或立式)和轴承参数(长径比、轴承间隙和润滑油黏度 对系统失稳阈值的影响。E1.SHAFEI等6]通过试验研究了滑动轴承发生油膜涡动和油膜振荡的失稳阈值,研究了转子不平衡、供油压力和不对中2013年5月 马 辉等:转子系统二阶油膜失稳故障仿真及试验研究表2 仿真与试验组合频率特征对比(2)油膜振荡会激起与前两阶振荡频率和转频有关的组合频率成分,且 1阶和 2阶油膜振荡共存时存在能量转换现象,即二者幅值相互影响。

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